Saturday, December 31, 2005

Happy New Years! Happy New Years! Happy New Years! Happy New Years! Happy New Years! Happy New Years!

Wednesday, December 28, 2005


There is nothing fun about being in a vehicle with a 7 month old and a four year old for hours on end. NOTHING!

The road time made it very difficult to appreciate the family time. We loved seeing everyone but the travelling was hard on everyone. Mason hates his car seat with a passion. Mom was in pain most of the trip (she started getting better on the way home yesterday), Derek's neck and arthritis were killing him, and Mercedes was just being a four year old.

We came back with much more than we left with so re-packing the truck was a joy. And there was the continual worry of forgetting important stuff, like medicines. I think we survived intact and we will NOT do that again!

We are very glad to have made it home safely and grateful to our families for letting us visit and see them over the holiday. It was lovely.

Thursday, December 15, 2005


Whew! This week has been so busy and it's only Wednesday. Monday night we decided to open up all of the presents we were not bringing to Texas with us. The kids seemed happy with theirs, though Mason didn't seem to care too much as long as he got something to chew on. Mercedes just wanted to play with her toys and was frustrated when she had to go to bed. Alexis got a couple of things some of which she wasn't expecting. She seemed really pleased with the presents. Derek was happy with his, though Mercedes told him what he was getting. We all have a few more to open while in Texas, so it's not totally over.
Yesterday Derek gave Mom and I part of our Christmas presents. He bought us each a day at the spa package complete with facials, back massages, pedicures, and manicures. Ahhhhhhh! Yes, I loved it! The massage was the best part. How can you not love a massage? Mom says that we can get her a massage anytime. She really enjoyed it. It's somewhat healthy too. Too bad insurance doesn't cover it. Perhaps it could be considered preventive maintenance. It would so be worth it for stress relief. I really need to figure out how to include a monthly massage in my budget. It could happen.
The rest of the week is already booked as far as things that have to be done. Tonight is 'Lex's vocal concert. That is really neat. Tomorrow we HAVE to finish packing. Friday is Mercedes concert, my office luncheon, the martial arts test, and we are leaving for Texas. This trip is going to wear me out-literally. I am kind of hoping to get some rest while we are on the road since I don't have to get up and take anyone anywhere.
I have pared (sp?) down our schedule some more after the first of the year. Since Alexis has finished her lessons and Mercedes can't start the next set until she turns 5, he girls will not be in swimming lessons. Even when they do go back, Alexis will be going at the same time as Mercedes. That will definitely relieve some of the stress. I am still not sure whether we should keep Mercedes in gymnasitics. She seems indifferent to it most of the time, sometimes she's down right resistant. It's a nice thing to do, but I think it's a bit much, plus it would be nice to have the extra money. I will have to convince Derek though.
Everyone seems to be doing well, if a bit worn down. We go a hundred miles an hour and never seem to stop. I keep thinking we are getting better, but it always seems as if something new comes up. Sometime in the spring will be kids soccer, softball, and t-ball. I am not sure we will make it.
I have to really get into a workout schedule and stop messing around. Yes, I admit I have slacked off and gotten back into my bad habits. I will try to make a point of hitting the gym two to three days a week and getting up in the morning for crunches/situps and pushups. Plus I will try to use the lateral thigh trainer thingy I got myself more. I feel disgusting, though I guess I don't look SO bad. It's a personal thing though. Maybe if I could force myself to give up peanut M&Ms and Skittles it would be easier, but I can't. Really - I must have them - daily. I was considering taking karate, but I don't think they offer it during the day. I don't feel like I can take it at night with all of the other activities going on. Sigh - I would like to though. Mostly I like the forms. They are beautiful and graceful.
Derek is not ready for school to start back up. He's stuck with a teacher that he does not want to take, and he doesn't feel that he has gotten any rest on this break. His arthritis has progressed again as well so that is making his life more difficult. He is very worried that he will be handicapped sometime in the next few years and that colors his thinking a lot. I can't really blame him though I tend to be less that understanding on occasion.
Derek and I have decided to start dating after the first of the year so we can have some one-on-one time. I think it will be nice, though I am not sure if the kids will "get" it. We will get Mom a babysitter so she doesn't have to deal with the kids either. She can't handle all of them for any length of time. Mercedes is particularly energetic and hard to manage. She's just a four year old. I think for our first date it will just be a movie and maybe a dinner (cheap). Our February date will be a no-brainer, Valentine's Day. I already told Derek we are going to go out to dinner at 5:00 pm though. A lot of the places do not make reservations, and I refuse to stand in line for 2 hours for s semi-decent meal. We feel like we need (and deserve) the time alone. Who knows, we might end up learning to ballroom dance or something : ) I just hope it's a relaxing time for us.

Sunday, December 04, 2005


It's been another busy week. Both kids had doctor's appointments. Mason is still on antibiotics, and Mercedes has a cold. On Friday night Mercedes was sick - all night long. Saturday was not a good day for Derek and I.

We (Mom, Derek, and I) went to see the Trans Siberian Orchestra this afternoon. Wow! They are powerful. I would happily go see them again. I definitely have to get some of their CDs. Their light show was pretty cool too, though it got a bit bright on occasion.

Work was a mess of meetings last week. This next week appears to be quieter. Tomorrow mightbe rough though. I have a morning meeting, but Alexis is sick, so I might have to take her to the doctor. We'll see how it goes. She said she was feeling better, but I am reserving jusdgement.

I am feeling fairly loopy, since I am still shot on sleep. I think I will be going to bed shortly so I can get up in the morning to go to work. I have been terrible about working out lately, but I am thinking that I might wait to really start back into a workout routine until the new year. Yes, I am putting it off, but the way things are right now, I don't have a lot of choice.

I am now an officially published author. I have an ISBN and everything. I love Thumper. I can even say snobby things like, "I need to call my publisher". Granted, it was a sympathy thing for her, or maybe the bribe of dark chocolate M&Ms was what did it. However, it makes me very happy. I have this illusion that someone someday might go into the Library of Congress and find my book. They would think it was so wonderful (stop laughing) that they would share it with the world and I would be declared the US Poet Laureate. I did say it was an illusion or perhaps a delusion, or maybe just a daydream. Anyways, I am published now.

O think I hate my bank. If it were not so much trouble to change my direct deposit, I would change to a local credit union where I would like the service better. "The Bank" has now screwed my account up again, becuase of their policies which do NOT benefit me as the customer at all. They double debitted me for a LARGE amount so now I have to wait until Monday to get it fixed. but in teh meantime I can not use my checkcard, so I am writing checks. But I am concerned they will keep my account screwed up so I will get bounced checks. Yes, they would do it and tell me it's my fault. Would I complain? Yes - long and loudly! Would it do any good? Probably not.

I am going to bed to cogitate on the perversity of the bank9ing system and the injustices of the universe.

Sunday, November 27, 2005


Whew, this has been a non-stop week. BUT, it's been a great week. The visit was really nice. Everyone had fun and we had family pictures taken. Everyone looked great.

Unfortunately, bothof the little ones have ear infections which leads to much coughing and unhappiness for everyone.They will both be seeing the doctor this next week.

Mason so has me trained. And Yes, I admit, he is spoiled. However, Daddy has to come to terms with him over the next few weeks. Mason seems to have lost some weight so right now I am more concerned about him getting back on track. Yes, I worry a lot.

Back to work tomorrow after way too much time off. I have a lot to do and a little time to do it in. I really should be more careful about what I say, becuase it has added imensely to my work load. However, it's nothing I can't handle.

Derek got all A's this last term, which is great. He was a little worried about one or two of his classes, but everything has worked out. I am hoping for an A, though there is no telling. A B is not a bad grade.

We got family pictures a few days ago so I am going to try to post them on yahoo. Just follow the links to your right.

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Our Holiday

As Always, there will be too much food, however, this year will be light on the people/ That's ok though, it will be a cozy holiday for all.

Michelle and Brittney arrived safe and sound on Monday though they got in an hour and a half early. Shocked me. They are leaving an hour and a half later than originally planned also. That gived us all more time together.

We get family pictures tonight. I hope they come out well. THey are going to be interesting since we are going to wear oriental outfits, at least all of the women are.

As always, we are busy. We hope everyone has a beautiful and safe Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

The leave has ended

Sadly the last week has flown by. I got almost nothing accomplsihed, and today I have to go back to work. I guess Derek will have to make sure the house gets cleaned up. I am not holding ym breath though.

Mom made it home safe and sound last night. I think everyone was happy to have her back. The girls will miss sleeping in her room though.

Mason is not having a great morning so far. He spit up during the night, and was crying a short time ago. I am eating breakfast so I decided to let Derek deal with it. Mason has an ear infection in both ears, probably brought on by the nasal drainage from his allergies. This also led to his eyes gumming up which is why we went to the doctor in the first place. Mason does not like taking his medicine, at all, so that's an adventure in and of itself.

Derek finished finals and from the sound of it, he passed. Of course, the three or four days leading up to it weren't fun, for any of us. He now has a month and a half or so off to catch up on the stuff around the house that he let slack off during this last quarter. I don't know why but the fall quarter seems to be a problem for him.

Mercedes is doing ok, though I think she was tired last night. She was being very difficult so she went to bed early. Her allergies are really rough on her and have her coughing half the night without cough syrup. We will be so glad to get out of here. Hopefully the allergies will go away once we leave this area.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

On leave

And loving it, except for having to be up before 0500 this morning to take Mom to the airport . Mason had his 6 month well baby checkup after that, so it's been busy.

When we got home Mason and I tried to lay down and take a nap, but people kept calling or coming over. Sigh! I am so tired.

I am on leave until next week and I intend to use this time to catch up on rest and clean the house. I am not suer I will get either one done. Currently, Mason is trying eat my shirt. I am not looking forward to tonight when he's fussy because of the shots. He can be so utterly charming, but boy is he a bear when he's not feeling good.

Sunday, November 06, 2005


I thought it was over, but this last week was even busier than the previous 6 weeks had been. On Monday we had Halloween, which was not great with Mercedes feeling bad. On Tuesday we made up the class (martial arts) the girls missed on Monday, and ended up staying to watch Derek's class. On wednesday, it was Derek's birthday and he and I had an appt that went until after 5. After that we went out to eat for his birthday. By the way, he got a snow thrower/blower. On Thursday we had gymnastics, and after we got home we went to the store to find the stuff for ALexis dress. On Friday we had a birthday party to go to. On Saturday there were swimming lessons, hair cuts, and another birthday party. When we got home from the birthday party last night, Derek was needing help with his paper, so Mom and I were up with him working on his paper. I am completely beat, but Mason was up bright and early this morning, as usual.

As far as Derek's paper, well, we aren't sure the system let him submit it in time. Derek waited until the last minute and so it was not s good as it could have been. I ended up finishing it an hour and a half before it was due. I seriously hope the instructor still takes it.

Everyone seems to be sick right now. I am not sure if it is a cold or allergies or a combination of both. I know I am coming down with something, but I think it's becuase I am so exhausted and not getting enough rest. 'Cedes has been having coughing fits, and 'Lexi is starting to cough and is obviously feeling yucky. Mom is ok so far. I hope she stays that way, I really do not want her sick again anytime soon. Mason's cold is really an issue as he sounds terrible and coughs a lot.

I am doing ok with school and work. I just got a boatload of work piled on, but I am good with that. I like being busy. As far as school goes, I passed the test and I didn't have the lowest score, though it was close. I am wiating for guidance form the teacher as to how I did on the paper I handed in last week. He said he would be more flexible on the grading since I handed it in early, so I hope it's good. I should find out on Tuesday.

Mom leaves Tuesday morning, bright an early for her trip. I am glad she gets to go. She needs a vacation. I imagine she will have a great time gossiping with her friends and hanging out. I already sent her care and feeding instructions ahead, so they are ready for her. I will be on leave the entire time she is gone so I hope I can get caught up on things around the house. It looks absolutely awful. We really need to prioritize and get our life under control.

We made the decision this last week to visit family for Christmas. Boy, that's going to be a long trip. Between 3, 000 and 5,000 miles. I just hope there are no issues while we are visiting. I hate confrontation and turmoil.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

The Pain Ends - I Hope

I love them all, really, I do, but I can't take too many more months that are like the last two. It wears a body out.

We are now down to Alexis: choir (two morning a week), martial arts (two afternoons a week), guitar (one afternoon a week), and swimming lessons (Saturday morning. Mercedes: swimming lessons (Saturday morning), martial arts (two afternoons a week), and gymnastics (one evening a week). That menas most of our evenings will be free again. Yes, FREE!

Other than that, our life is pretty quiet. Derek is trying to finish out this term. e took a couple of tests this last week and I think he did well. He got an A on one of them, though with the grade from the last test, he's holding a B in that class I think. I will be very (VERY) happy when he;s done with thios school year.

Mom is now on oxygen at night and she says it is helping. I am happy. Anything that keeps her healthy makes me happy.

I have finished my paper for my class. All 15 pages of it. I have also finished the requisite presentation. Now all I have to do is give it. I am completely caught up on homework and have gotten all of the points available from them. I take the mid-term on Tuesday. I am hoping to get a good grade. I will hand the paper in on Tuesday as well and if there are any major issues I can fix them and give it back so I know I can get a good grade. I also get bonus points (in terms of softer grading criteria) for handing it in early. I'll take it!

Other than feeling very tired, not getting enough sleep, and being stressed, life is good. Halloween tomorrow should be fun, I know the kids are looking forward to eat. Expect pictures in the next few days. They are going to be so cute.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Vegging on Sunday

Well. I have gotten absolutely nothing done today. Lovely. I have laundry to finish, floors to clean, and misc other stuff to take care of.

Mason is still coughing a bit, though overall he seems to be better. I think we are truly into the teething phase. He's been fussy quite a bit recently. You can feel his teeth ready to break through too. He's got his well-baby check-up in a few weeks. I expect him to be fairly healthy.

This next week is the last week of pain as far as our schedule goes. Mercedes last soccer game is Saturday. We are debating about whether she will play again in the spring. She pulled a stunt this last Tuesday that made me think that she isn't ready for organized sports. Swimming lessons end this week too. Then the girls have both of their swimming lessons on Saturday from now through December. Yea!

Both Mercedes and Alexis tested on Friday for their next belts. They should be getting them in a few weeks. They were so cute. Alexis also broke a board. Derek also broke a board and will be getting his next belt as well. I was upset that the camera stopped working before I could tape Alexis and Derek. I guess we will have to make sure it's working next time they test.

We are all ready for Halloween. The girls have everything they need for their costumes and are almost finished with their pinatas. Only a few more details and they will be complete.

Derek is finishing up his classes. He has about two weeks left. He's got some issues, so this next week is going to bepainful for those of us who live with him. Sigh! At least he has some time off between now and when he starts back to schoolo in January. I hope it helps. He makes life miserable for the rest of us when he gets stressed about class.

I have missed several of my classes now, but I am going to try to make them up. I am going to class three times this week. I have started my paper already so I hope to have that done soon. That way I can turn it in and possibly get feedback ahead of time. I really want to do well. I have the first test next week. I want to do well, but I am worried.

Overall, everyone is doing well. We are just waiting for things to slow down. We really need things to slow down. I canonly hope things will be calmer once we aren't gone every night.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


It never ends it seems. We are always so busy, and the house is SOO trashed. Only two more weeks and we are done with this session of swimming and soccer.

Mercedes might not be playing soccer after this season. She really (REALLY) made me angry last night (can we say livid?). Since I am the asst coach I have to be out on the field. Mercedes was complaining that her legs hurt so I sent her to the sidelines to sit down with Miss Caroline. When we got to the break, she was playing, PLAYING! with another little boy. Oh yeah, I was irate. We had a little discussion about lying and I made her sit down with Miss Michelle and watch the other kids finish the game. TO add to my already boiling temper, she decided to sit there and scream at the top of her lungs. Not only did I feel like a terrible Mother, but everyone else there probably thinks I am a cruel mother as well. Not a good day for either of us.

I did get the girls signed up for their next set of lessons. Thankfully it will all be on Saturdays. That relieves a lot of the stress in the evenings. Plus, Derek finishes school mid-November, so he won't be so stressed. Plus he will have more time to do things, I hope, around the house.

Alexis completely shocked me last night, though in a good way. My shy, retiring 11 year old tried out for choir with absolutely no (zero, nada, none) encouragement from any of us. I don't know if she made it yet, though I fully expect her to. I think it is fantastic that she even tried. She's obviously getting more confidence. Her only concern was that we would have a problem taking her since they will be practicing two morning a week before school. Heck, no! I will always bend over backwards to support the kids activities, especially when it is what THEY want.

Speaking of the kids activities, Mercedes, Alexis, and Derek are all testing for their next belt on Friday. It seems like they just started but he has now been several months so I know it's probably about right. Time sure flies. I expect Alexis and Derek to get their belts. Mercedes I am not so sure about, but hey, at least she's making progress.

This week at work has been a whirlwind. I am doing about a million things, none of them well. Plus I am missing class (again) on Friday, or at least part of it. I am hoping to make the last half, though I am not holding my breath. I am also going to try to get some work done on my paper in the next week. I want to hand it in early, so I can brief it and be done. I also hope I can do well on the upcoming mid-term since I have missed so much class. Sigh! There goes my A.

Mason is starting to eat solids now. In fact, he seems to require solids at least once a day. He really liked the cereal mixed with banana he got the other day. He's also almost over his cold which I am extremely grateful for. It sounded awful when he coughed. I found a really cute little outfit for him to wear for pictures so he will look so cute. I am debating about getting the girls dresses, but we will wait and see. He's trying to sit up when he lays down but he's not quite there yet. He's also getting closer to sitting on his own. I am going to get him a walker or one of the bouncers that hang in a doorway for Christmas. If nothing else, Grandma can use it to corral him in. His hair is getting very thick now and he's very beautiful. He seems to know it too, the little munchkin. He has a knack for smiling a big, toothy grin when he's being a poop. He's entirely too cuddly and is probably going to be outrageously spoiled. Sigh, Mercedes take 2.

The girls scare me occasionally with their beauty. They both still have the little girl features, but 'Lex in particular is losing hers rapidly. Every once in a while the girls do something or turn a certain way and I see the promise of the beauty they are becoming. There will be no dating! Seriously, I see a lot of potential pitfalls that I am not sure Derek and I are prepared for. Then again, I could just be biased and seeing things that aren't there. Only time will tell, I guess.

I started a new series of books by Christine Feehan. If you like steamy romance novels with a supernatural twist these are for you. I like them. Of course, I tend to like supernatural stuff anyways. I am impatiently waiting for the next Mercedes Lackey book (either Valdemar series, or To Light a Candle series), and the next Harry Potter movie and book. Why is it that I read faster than they produce? It's very irritating. And why can't I read the technical stuff as fast? It is nice to be able to read without feeling guilty for not doing schoolwork or working on mm thesis (not that that really stopped me).

I went out and bought Batman Begins and Tarzan last night. You just can't beat Batman - ever. Granted the second Batman movie with Catwoman (Michelle Pfeiffer) and Penguin (Danny Devito) was not great, however, it's Batman. And let me just say, there is something incredibly cool about a guy with no superhuman powers who has trained and developed himself. It's just cool, there is no other way to describe it. Perhaps I am biased against "real" superheros, however, Batman is and shall always remain my favorite "super" hero. And no, I do not have a thing for men in form fitting Kevlar and bat ears, you perverts.

If I didn't know better, I would think I was pregnant again. No, I am not, at least I better not be. If I am I am going to be a bit miffed. Anyways, I was leaving area C (for those not familiar with the area, there are three geographic areas to the base that have separate entry points) and there was what looked to be a fairly bad accident. There was an SUV (that looked like Caroline's) on it's side on the median. If there were other vehicles they were hidden by the convergence of both the Fairborn and WP fire departments, their emergency service vehicles (not the fire trucks, the SUVs they use for the Fire Chief), the various police officers, and the paramedics. The part that got me was not the woman sitting on the median with her head in her hands. It was the small child laid out next to her that I did not see movement from (but I was in a moving vehicle with my attention not fully focused) and surrounded by emergency technicians. Why did it hit me so hard? I really don't know, but I was in tears. Literally. I was terribly frightened for that little person laying their on the concrete. There was just something terribly sad and frightening about it. I sincerely hope he/she was ok. And I hope to God that is never one of my kids. It was definitely a reminder to make sure they are always buckled in and using the proper safety apparatus.

Sunday, October 16, 2005


I made it back fromSt Louis. 72 hours away from the family. It was nice in some ways, though also hard. Imiss the furry little people even though they drive me insane.

The hotel was nice, though expensive. THe conference was alright, though the best briefings were the last morning before I got on the plane.

The weather was good.

Mason has a cold (still). THere is nothing doctor's can do, though he did thoroughly charm her. He's also 26 1/4 inches and 17 lbs. He's healthy and happy. His hair is growing back so he's looking quite suave. He's completely charming to any female he encounters too.

Only a few more weeks left in soccer season. Have I mentioned that I will not be an asst coach again. Was I nuts or what?

Mercedes is ready to move up to the next set of swimming lessons but they won't let her until she's 5. In the meantime we are letting her re-take the set she just passed. It keeps her happy.

Alexis will also be moving up. She has two sets left before she is all done. At that point she can be an instructors assistant if she wants. It would keep her in the water.

Derek, Alexis, and Mercedes test for hteir next belt this coming Friday. They are all excited and happy about it. I am happy for them. I think it's great that they are all progressing.

Sunday, October 09, 2005


It got cold this week. I mean cold enough that we are all wearing coats. I am not really complaining. I kind of like the change, it's nice. A brisk day is not only enjoyable but invigorating. However, the downside is the knowledge that it is a precursor to the truly cold weather. The weather that causes your nose to disappear, or at least all sensation to your nose within 5 seconds of stepping out the door. My only hope is that is waits until AFTER Halloween. However, Mason is prepared if it does get mind-numbing cold, he's got a furry Tigger suit. Mercedes however, will freeze, as she wanted to go as Barbie Fairytopia. BTW, for all of you Christmas present buying people, Mercedes loves Barbies. The rest of us are not so fond of them these days, but Mercedes loves them.

Mason has joined me here on the computer chair. He is talking up a storm these days. Literally, Blah blah blah blah blah, with some bubbles blown thrown in. He's very adamanat about what he's telling us, unfortunately, I universal baby language translator has not yet arrived. We do try to talk back to him in the misguided hope that he might just understand. He does know his name which is good, I am really glad he does not think Muffin Butt is his name. I will continue to call him that though and I have every intention of telling every single one of his girlfriends that Muffin Butt is my pet name for him. We'll see how much he dates after that : )

I am leaving for St Louis on Tuesday. My hotel overlooks the Arch so it should be nice. I do not intend to do the tourist thing since I will be in a symposium all day. I do however intend to take a few good books and my schoolwork to work on. I have a 15 page paper due in December, and I am NOT going to wiat until the last minnute to finish it. Yes, I know, everyone thinks I am crazy, but I really do like school. I enjoy learning and being in class, I just don't care for thesis writing.

The annual charity campaign for the AF has kicked off. I am donating $5 a month for each of the girls. Mercedes is giving to the Rheumotology Foundation (yes, I picked it) and Alexis is giving to Bat Conservaton International ( She chose her own and I thought it was great. Bats need love too.

Alexis, Mercedes and I went to a haunted house on Friday night. Mercedes swore to me that she would be ok. I carried her most of the way through. I think we enjoyed it. Adterwards we had to go get the girls toy though, to soothe the fear. Or is that just me being played? We will go to at least one more. Possibly a haiunted maze or hayride. Possible with Mercedes favorite babysitter/friend.

Last night we went to a martial arts show. The black belt candidates had to put it on. It was pretty neat. They had obviously worked hard and dod a nice job.

And tomorrow the week begins again. No rest for the wicked.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005


NOTE: Mercedes and Mason's logs have been recently updated.
Only one more month of running around like a mad person, then we are done. The girls will be in swimming lessons in November, but that will be all on one day. No soccer to worry about two days a week. Plus, Derek will be finishing up his classes for the term. Thankfully!
Derek ran into some problems on one of his mid-terms, but I think he can pull it out. A B or C is not too bad, though an A would be nice. He seems to be enjoying his psychology class, at least in terms of some of the information. He is very interested in history, or at least that's how it seems. He really has a head for facts and dates. Unfortunately, there isn't much commercial value in a history degree.
Mom has been sick again. She thought it was pneumonia, but the Dr said it was only bronchitis, an ear infection, and a sinus infection. Wow! And to think, we are happy that's all it is : ) She's not doing too bad though, and seems to be ok overall. It hasn't bogged her down like the pneumonia in May did. No ambulances involved, so far. She's also been working a lot on Alexis afghan. It is going to be gorgeous! She's about ¼ of the way done now, and it really is a beautiful color and pattern. Alexis is excited, she can't wait for Grandma to finish.
Mom is also looking forward to her upcoming trip to Kansas. Granted, she HAS to go back to get her license renewed, but she also gets to spend time with friends and relax (I hope).
Alexis is doing very well overall. She misses her Mom and San Antonio, and I know it's hard for her since our rules and lifestyle are different from what she's gotten used to, but I think it's getting better. At least I hope it is. She's doing very well in school, though there was a small oops last week on one of her tests. She was not happy with that, though neither was I. We have parent-teacher conferences this week, so I will talk to the teacher about it. She's also getting ready to test for her next belt in martial arts. Wow! I guess it's been almost a month and a half since she started, though. She loves to rub it in that Uncle Derek isn't going to be testing anytime soon. She might want to be careful about that, he'll get her back. The martial arts are helping her out I think. She was saying that she has noticed that her pants are fitting looser. That could also have something to do with the braces. She went to the orthodontist this week and they changed out the brackets (?) so they are all blue and purple now. She thinks that is neat. The braces don't seem to bother her too much, which I am happy about. She's also doing well in guitar from what we can tell. She's about halfway through the first book and makes progress every week.
I was due to start my class yesterday but I took Mom to the DR instead. I am glad it was not as bad as we had thought. I don't think there will be a great deal to make up from one missed class. I have to miss class again next week though. I will be in St Louis for a Symposium from Tuesday to Friday. I am going to be staying in a decent hotel that has a restaurant overlooking the arch so I am looking forward to that. I intend to lay low and just relax. Possibly take long baths in the evenings and watch whatever I want to on TV.
We are planning a trip to one of the many haunted places this weekend. I hope the kids like it though I am a bit worried that Mercedes will flip out. She's been afraid of scary stuff so far this year. I am not sure why, but we will see. I might have to hold her the whole time. It might require me to take the friend/babysitter she loves so much. We will see. We are also going to get the girls pumpkins so they can carve them or something like that.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Sick Baby

I hate when the babies ger sick. Mason has a cold and I was up all night trying to keep him comfortable.
He seems slightly better this morning, however I am exhausted w/ no relief in sight.

Thursday, September 29, 2005


As always, we are busy. We are getting better though. And after October, life will be much quieter for everyone.
Alexis came home with her first report from school. She did well n everything and has no bad remarks. That was great to hear. She said she's been having some trouble remembering to bring home all of her homework, but hopefully we will be able to work that out. She was very upset about that last night. We have parent-teacher conferences coming up so I will ask then what the specific guidelines are from the teacher. Alexis also said that some of the kids are stealing form each other. The classes rotate and so the other classes are taking things from desks that aren't theirs. I guess we get to discuss that with the teacher too. It's not fair that she has to worry about her stuff being stolen. School is hard enough without worrying about things like that.
Both Alexis and Mercedes are doing well in martial arts. They have both gotten tapes this week, and Alexis, at least, will be testing for her next belt in October, I think. Derek is not fairing quite so well, though he is sticking with it. We are going to watch the black belts test for their next level next weekend, so that ought to give everyone an idea of how much work they have to do to progress.
The weather turned cold last night. It actually felt like Fall. However, any convertible-driving, California-living, diet-caffeine-free Mt Dew drinking people I know DO NOT need to remind me of how nice the weather is in California. Just remember, I heard your complaints of heat this summer and actually felt sorry for you. Oh, and by the way, be nice or I will buy the flamingo hat I found and send it to Max to put on you while you sleep. He will, I know he will. He would probably be happy to take pictures and post them on your blog too since you do it to him.
The sunrise this morning was absolutely spectacular. I am one of those strange people who is enamored with the sunrises and sunset, so I take note. This one was truly gorgeous, more so than the one I saw a few weeks ago. The sun coming up in the east was a brilliant yellowish-orange with shades of color fading to pink and blue. There were big puffy clouds littering the sky and reflecting some of the light as well. The sun, though, truly it was a sight to see. It was not at all dull, but very bright and vibrant. It was causing metal buildings to glow with the orange light. You don't see the sunrise like that very often. Of course, you have to be awake and outside to see it at all, and I know most people, if awake, have their nose deep in a cup of coffee trying to wake up.
Mom and I went to lunch today with Mason. There was an office function and with Mom watching Mason, I decided to give her a break and bring her along. We went to Longhorn Steakhouse which is not a cheap place for lunch, though it was good. Mason had a ball, there were many women to flirt with and cuddle, so he was thrilled. Mom enjoyed getting out and being with other adults. Some of the ladies were her age so that was even better. I don't mean to keep her cooped up at home, but I think sometimes she feels like the walls are closing in. She's got a trip planned to Wichita to see a friend in a few weeks, so I think that will really help. Plus she can get her drivers license.
Derek got his psychology test back today. He's not too upset over it. He got an A. He's got another test or two out still that he is not so sure about. I hope he does well on them. He gets so frustrated when he has problems. I think he's too hard on himself, but there's not much I can do.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Catching Up

Another week begins. Whew, I will be so glad when we get through this round of swimming lessons and soccer. The girls will be in swimming lessons Nov - Dec, but no soccer, thankfully. That will be something of a relief for us.
It looks like both Alexis and Mercedes will be advancing to the next level in swimming lessons. I think Mercedes has one level left in the little kids program before she can move up to the mid-level classes. Alexis has started the top level of classes and only has two more level before she's done. I expect her to be finished sometime in the spring. Just in time to start softball. As for Mercedes, she won't be able to start mid-level lessons until she turns 5. That means she will be off from December to March. That will be a nice little break.
I took the little fish swimming yesterday. They both love the water.. I figure it's good exercise for me, even if all I do is walk around. Mason was not as happy about being in the water, though he became more comfortable as we went along. He even let me lay him back in the water so he could float on his back. I need to try to take them more often. We took Kody and Kye, two boys from down the street, so the girls would have other kids to play with. Alexis also had a friend from her school there.
'Cedes is not really into soccer though she says she wants to keep playing. I think she just likes hanging out with the other kids. She had her 4 year well-baby checkup on Friday and they confirmed what we already know, she's small for her age. She's in the 25th percentile for height, and the 50th percentile for weight. I am not really surprised. I was an exceptionally small child. I didn't really grown until junior high and high school.
Alexis seems to be doing well at school. In fact, from what she tells us and what we can see, she's excelling. She's averaging 90's or higher on all of her tests and completing all of her assignments ahead of time. She's not into guitar right now, which becomes something of a problem when it comes to getting her to practice. I expect her to get excited again at some point. Probably when she moves on to the next book.
Mason has put on some more weight. He's still very cute and chubby. He talks a lot too. You can tell when he's gearing up to throw a fit if he's not being held. He will start jabbering away and it will gradually get louder, then you get the crying. It's kind of cute. He's also gotten much stronger. He can push himself up on his arms and will get himself turned around. He can turn over form his tummy to back or back to tummy occasionally too. I think that's more of an oops than anything. He's reaching for things now and will hold onto his toys. He enjoys his baths and even showers when he's fussing and I am trying to get ready for work.
Derek has started taking tests for his classes. He seems to be feeling OK with things so far, though he's had a few ups and downs. He seems to have a good heading for his MIS paper, though I am not sure he has done any more work on it recently. I think he's got something due on it this week. The initial idea seemed to make the instructor happy, but Derek is not really wanting to do the research. I can't say as I blame him. I know I've had enough research to last me a lifetime. I am trying to find some articles to help Derek out. He's been putting the research off so far and I don't want him to wait too long. It could really be a problem if he waits until the last minute.
Mom is doing fairly well. She's looking at making banana bread in the next day or so. Yummy! Especially warmed up and smothered with butter. She's doing pretty good overall. She's been puttering around the house and has been doing a lot of the easier chores. I really appreciate the help, but I worry about her doing too much.
I am doing fine. I had my follow-up doctor's appt last week. I am probably going to have surgery, however I have to wait until I am through with having babies. I hope to have baby number 3 in 2007, so I would be able to have the surgery once the baby stops breastfeeding.
Work is going well and I have gotten my program off the ground. I have a short business trip coming up in October, but I should not be gone very long. I have a lot of oversight that I do, so that keeps me occupied. I try not to get too bogged down with the details. I also have several certifications that I have to complete so that I remain qualified for the job.
I was asked last week if I wanted to change deployment cycles from January 2006 to January 2007. Of course, I said yes. I would hate to leave the little guy before his first birthday. Then again, I would hate to leave any of the kids. What am I going to do when they grow up?
I start my last in-class class next week. I imagine I will have at least one paper to write, but I don't foresee any major difficulties. I just want to get it done and out of the way so that I can go forth and conquer. I'm still a little bummed that I am not going to get to complete my PHD, but in some ways, I think it is for the best. I would have to give up a lot of at-home time, which is already in short supply.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


I was walking out the door yesterday morning to go to work and I had to stop for a moment and admire the gorgeous sunrise. And I do mean gorgeous. It was pinkish-orange with clouds streaked across it and reflecting some of the light. The air was fresh and cool, not cold. It smelled so good. The air was moist and felt so clean and pure. You don't get many of those. They make you feel good and positive that the day will be good. I get so wrapped up in going to work, that I miss the pure, intense joy of sunrises that are happening at the same time.

Today is gonna be a fun day. Mercedes has a DRs appt at 2:00 this afternoon and Derek can't take her. So I will leave work around 1200 to come home, eat lunch, feed Mason, then leave NLT 1315 to go pick up Mercedes and go to the DRs appt. I think she needs the appt again. This was supposed to be a followup but she started the uncontrollable coughing again last night. Poor baby. She sounded miserable.

I figure since I am over there anways, I will try to hit legal and clothing sales. I don't think I will have time for my usual workout, though. I guess soccer practice (Mercedes) will have to count. I don't think Iwill ever volunteer to be an asst coach again. I am not very good at it.

Still no deplyment news. So much for the 120 days notice. I am not confident that this means I will not go though. Still waiting. And I am not patient. As the wishing well in Daffy Duck's Fantastic Island said: "Patience is seldom found in humans and never in a duck. No, I am not a duck!

Thursday, September 15, 2005


It's payday!!!! Unfortunately, most of my paycheck is already gone to bills. I had more spendable money as an airman than I do as a Captiain, sigh! I guess that happens when you support six people. I figure I will get to enjoy life more when I retire : )

Ahh, retirement, now there's a happy thought. Not just retiring from the military which is 10 years away, but complete retirement. Taking trips to sponge off of the kids, not setting an alarm every day, making sure I get plenty of fiber in my diet. All of the fun stuff.

Still no word on a deployment. The requirements and taskings are suppsoed to be loaded in the system soon, if they aren't already. We are suppsoed to be given 120 days notice of deployments so that means today for my cycle, however, I haven't heard or seen anything yet. I am giving it until October, mid-October at the latest. If I haven't heard anything by then, I will assume I am not going. I have no problem going, but not going is also nice.

I am going to try to save up money to pay off the jeep after the first of the year. The plan/thought is to pay off the jeep, save a little extra, then trade-in Derek's gasoline-sucking truck for a hybrid SUV that seats 7. The payments will be fairly high since Derek's truck has lost most of its value with the massive increase in gas prices, so the trade-in value is low. However, we can get tax breaks with the new vehicle, plus the saving in gas will be phenomonal. I can only imagine what else will be coming out in the next few years if they pass the law requiring higher MPG on all vehicles.

Thursday, September 08, 2005


Mason got his second round of vaccinations yesterday and last night was not a lot of fun. It was not as bad as the first set, though, so I can deal with that. Poor little pincushion, Derek said he didn't do too badly. Derek did say that Mason did better than he did. It's always hard to see the little ones hurt. At least Mason is healthy and, aside form a mild fever, had no side effects from the shots. He goes back in November for the next set. He also has his next well baby checkup then. At least we get some good news to offset the fussy baby.

Mason is getting to be quite strong now. He can lift himself up on his arms when he's laying on his belly. He also can roll over onto his side though he prefers the right side. He is reaching out and grabbing objects now too. He likes to make the birdie on his swing turn by pulling the grips. We have him eating small amounts of cereal now, just to get him used to it, and it doesn't seem to be bothering him. He's also doing ok with eating formula so if I deploy in January there should be no problems.

Mercedes starts soccer on Saturday. Oh yea, I get to get up early and go deal with 10 4 & 5 year olds. Yes, I volunteered. No I am not crazy. I thought it would be good to be involved for Mercedes sake, though I don't really think she cares as long as she can play. She starts swimming lessons on Monday which will be a blast too. I think I will take her and read while she's in her lessons. She's a Ray this time, so she's only got one level left after this before she gets into the "Big" kid lessons. Again, she doesn't care, she just loves to be in the water. I got her a new swimsuit that should last through the winter too, so she's happy about that. She's a little clotheshorse. I think she takes after her Daddy.

Mercedes found her Halloween costume last week. She's going to Be FairyTopia (from Barbie). She knew exactly what she wanted (again). I think she will look very cute, though I have to fix the wings. She's very excited about Halloween, though she still hasn't quite gotten the concept of it being a LONG ways away.
Alexis is back in school now and going full force. We have a meeting with the teacher tonight. It's a generic "Parents Meet the Teacher" meeting so we can find out what she's being taught and how. Next week is the PTO meeting which I am going to have to fit in as well. Plus there are signups for the parents to help do things. Wow! Being an involved parent is a lot of work. I'm sure it will be worth it though.

Alexis got tape on her belt last night at martial arts. That means she is performing well and learning quickly. I do not know when she will test for her next belt, but I think it's great that's she's doing as well as she is. I think it will payoff over time, though I am not sure she sees that sometimes.
Alexis braces have stopped hurting now. She's so happy she can eat bread again. I think the sub sandwiches are still off limits though. She's also starting swimming lessons next week. Hers are on Saturday mornings so she can do that while Mercedes is in soccer. Very convenient. The guitar lessons are also ongoing. She's making progress and seems happy with it, so we can't complain about that.

I am trying to get myself signed up for class so I can finish my information assurance certification, but I can't find an instructor to sign the form for me. They are all off work right now. I'll keep asking until I find someone who is there. Still no word on the deployment, but I expect the requirements will flow down in the next month if they are going to deploy me. Who knows, I might get lucky and NOT deploy. Wouldn't that be nice? Then I could get the laser eye surgery out of the way, too.

Mom is doing well. Her Bible study group is now back to weekly meetings and they are on a new book. Mom really enjoys going to the meetings and talking with the other ladies. Our friend, Laura, watches Mason while she is gone since Derek is in class at that time. I know Mason doesn't mind. Laura is one of his many girlfriends and he always falls asleep on her. (BRAT)

Derek started back to school this week and it looks like it will be an interesting round of classes. There are a lot of papers he has to write as well as homework and tests. One of the teachers has only given one A out of 4 or 5 classes he's taught. That ought to be interesting. And NO I am not writing that paper. I don't even want to think about that. The guy is really tough. I know Derek can do it though. He's smarter than I am about stuff, he just has to do it. He gets irritated with himself when he doesn't get A's, but you know, B's are nothing to laugh at, especially with this school. WSU, from what I have heard, is a good school, maybe not world famous or internationally known and respected, but it's no slump either.

We are planning to go to the Dayton Art Institute's Egyptian exhibit next week. Alexis, Mom, Derek, and I all find that kind of stuff interesting. Plus, it gets us out of the house, not that we spend a whole lot of time there these days with all of the stuff going on. I think we will try to limit what we get the kids involved in a bit more from here on out. Though they both want to play ball (softball and t-ball) in the spring. Perhaps no swimming lessons during that time. If I'm not here, I guess it wouldn't matter, would it?

If I do deploy, Derek says he's going to try to take easier (are there any?) classes so he doesn't get so overwhelmed. I don't think the upper level classes are harder so much as more focused. Anyways, he'll have to play that one by ear, I guess.
We almost got a ferret yesterday. One of 'Lexi's teachers had a ferret she wanted to give away. I love ferrets but I was not going to make that decision. I had her ask Grandma, who is not a big pet fan, and Unlce Derek. The decision came back as a no, which is probably for the best. Our house is already cramped with having the number of people we have. We will definitely live off base at our next assignment, possibly even buy so we have 4 to 5 bedrooms. I suppose I need to start saving up now so I can make some kind of down payment. Sigh, the trials of being an adult. Life was so much easier as a kid. Of course, everything seemed bigger when I was a kid....hmmm!

Sunday, September 04, 2005


Another thing I have always wanted to do marked off the list. Now I just need to go parasailing, snow skiing, and bungee jumping. I don't think that's too much to dream of. And it's all entirely doable. I will say that the worst thing about Cirque du Soleil (aside from the seats not being high enough to see over the tall man sitting in front of me) was that it ended. Mason and Mercedes were both entranced. I don't know that Alexis was so interested. She's going through a low period, so she doesn't seem very interested in anything.

I was in Arizona for a few days this last week. Wow! What a beautiful state. I got caught in one of the monsoon storms, which was also cool. Everything there was intense. The sunset was fantastic, the weather was gorgeous, and the landscape was breathtaking. I could live there I think. There was no humidity so00 it was much nicer, as far as I am concerned.

I missed Mason's well-baby checkup. I was sorry about that. And the trip was long. The plane transfers were rough. It was also 3 hours different which was a bit rough. The meetings were productive and will be important to the work I am doing.

Speaking of work, there is much to do and I am going to be caught in the middle of it. I will also be finding out in the next month or so about whether or not I am going to deploy. I am treating it as a given, however, there could possible be a chance that I won't go. Deploying makes it more likely to make major and possibly go farther, however, I have to leave Derek and the kids on their own. That's a bit scary.

We are having a neighborhood bar b que tomorrow. That should be alright. We have some new neighbors we have not met yet. It will be nice to sit and gossip with everyone too. Yes, I freely admit we sit and gossip. The intention is never malicious though. We chat about kids and life. Everyone is gone now from when we first moved here (and we miss those who have left), so we must build new friendships.

We went to a store yesterday and looked at ferrets. As much as we would like one, there is no way. We don't have the room, plus, I don't have the time. They are cute, but upon reflection I really can't have one. It's like the mpuppies and kitties, I would LOVE to have them, but the house is already too small and my time is limited. Everyone is already complaining they want more time with me and I don't have it. I am already stretched and not getting things done around the house. It really has my stressed out. I suppose I worry too much or take too much on myself, but that's how I feel. I can't do or say anything right. Most of the time I just feel overwhlemed trying to deal with everyone and everything. Nothing I do makes things better it seems. And I suppose I am just whining. Maybe it's the lack of sleep.

Speaking of sleep, I think I will go now to bed.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Monday Monday

I did not get any good rest last night so today ought to be interesting.

For whatever reason Mercedes allergies are acting up, so she spent a significant portion of the night hacking up her lungs. Poor baby. Luckily for her, there is no preschool today so she can sleep in. She needs the rest.

It was another busy weekend. W got haircuts on Saturday which took all afternoon. on Sunday we went to a birthday party and later to look at a house. The house was ALRIGHT but not worth it to us. i think we are going to try to move into one of the 4 bedroom places on our street. It would save us much trouble.

I have lost another pound or two, but I am back on profile, though NOT because I am pregnant. i just have a little issue that will require surgery to fix. Until then no bouncing (jogging, jumping jacks, etc). It kind of dfeats my overall plan, but it can't be helped.

Mason is now over 16 lbs and his hair is growing back. Yea! He seems to have hit a growth spurt. He was due.

Friday, August 26, 2005


The kids are all doing great!

I am so proud of 'Lexi, she's dealing with her braces much better than I could have hoped. She's not able to eat quite as much, but I am told that is normal and to expect some significant weight loss these first few weeks. To add into that, she's started martial arts which is fairly rigorous, so she could drop a lot of weight. We are going to watch and make sure she stays healthy, though. She's doing quite well in martial arts and the instructors think she has a lot of potential. I think she does too, she really is a natural from what I have seen.

Schoold starts back up next week, which I think will be good for everyone. 'Lexi can make new friends and get back into a steady routine. Grandma and Derek will have the house to themselves (with Mason). For me, the grocery bill should drop : )

I am trying to make time where I do something one on one with the girls. These lst few months have really been trying and now that I am back to work, it's even harder. I think I will try to find a poster to color so 'Lexi and I can work on that together once or twice a week. With Mercedes it's a bit harder, she wants to be active. Perhaps we will cook together. She likes that.

Mason finally put on some weight, though Iam not sure if it was just form one day or if it will stay. I am pretty happy though. Him not gaining weight for a month really (really) bothered me. He'sa happy baby though, at least most of the time. He's stopped losing hair too, and he's growing his own hair back. He's going to be suave and handsome again quite soon.

I am going TDY next week ifor a few days. I think we will all be alright. I worry about how things will be while I am gone but I have to hope that Derek handles it all. It's good practice for the upcoming deployment that I am expecting. Between Derek's natural inclinations and his disease progressing I am not sure what's going to happen.

Patch (the cat) is in the dog house with me again. She started peeing on my bathroom rugs again for some reason. She's about to go back into timeout. Another two weeks locked up to retrain her. It might be that the kitty litter box was not up to her standards though, so I cleaned it out good and we will give her another chance. If she's still being difficult next week, it's kitty jail for her. Boy will she be mad.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Sigh - I was bad, I slept in this morning. I needed it though. I didn't get much sleep the night before between Mason and Mercedes, literally between them.

Mercedes allergies are acting up, so we are having coughing fits some nights. And she only wants Mommy. And Mason only wants Mommy, and Mommy is tired from working all day. It's times like these that Iwish I could get out of the Air Force and be a stay at home Mommy. No matter how hard I try, someone or something gets left behind. Unfortunately, right now I think it is Mercedes. I need to take her and go do something, just the two of us.

At the momet, Derek is cursing my name, and probably Mason's. Mason is wide awake, screaming his little head off. I got a bottle for him, but he's still peeved. I feel awful but if I go up to feed him I won't get out of here. Besides, Derek needs to get used to this. I will TDY next week for a few days.

We looked at rental houses in the paper yesterday. Then I did the math. There is just no way right now. Too many irons in the fire so to speak. We will definitely be living off base at our next assignment. We need at LEAST 4 bedrooms. And yes, I still want to have one more baby.

Shoot, gotta go to work. Time flies when your feeling guilty.

Thursday, August 18, 2005


I feel fat. I know, I am really not fat, but I FEEL fat. You know that heavy, clothes-don't-fit-right, yucky feeling usually associated with periods and teenage angst? Uggg. My uniforms don't fit right, I hate looking at myself in the mirror, and how many sit-ups do I have to do before I see results? I am all about instant gratification. I've even laid off of the ice cream cookie sandwiches. I suppose you would tell me the skittles and peanut M&Ms are not a good idea either, but I get the munchies at work.

On the positive side, I have been working out. Granted I do not sweat barrels of sweat, or make my body ache for days, but some jog/walking, crunches, and pushups every day are good. I even go to the gym. Yes, me, the confirmed couch potato.

We took the girls to their second martial arts introduction. Oh my God, 'Lex is a natural. She picks it up so fast and you can SEE that she enjoys it. It's amazing to watch her, and I am so proud. Mercedes is, well, she's Mercedes. As with everything, she's up for the adventure as long as it doesn't take more than 20 minutes. The attention span of a 4 year old is a truly amazing thing. She's so cute though when she does her kicks and punches that she's a lot of fun to watch!

Derek is also going to start going to martial arts once or twice a week so he can get into some semblance of shape as well, and I don't mean the apple-like shape he currently sports. They have someone there who teaches that also has arthritis so it shouldn't be too bad.

They don't have anything for Mom at this time, but they are trying to find a Tai-Chi instructor and they said that would be good for Mom. I am all for anything that gets her to workout on a regular basis.

I am also thinking of starting a class when I return from my deployment, though I am not sure, our schedule is so jam-packed already that I am not sure where I would find the time.

Both girls are in swimming lessons again, though Alexis only has three more levels until she is done. Sigh! So fast. Mercedes starts soccer in a few weeks, and we still have gymnastics and guitar lessons. Busy busy busy. They love it all though. And next spring starts softball and t-ball.

Alexis starts school in a few weeks, so that will leave the house quiet during the day. Wow, the summer sure has flown by. We are going to Splash Moraine this weekend. We have been waiting all summer to go. We have Cirque du Soleil tickets in a few weeks too. That is the highlight of MY summer. We will probably make the obligatory zoo trip next month too, though I am not completely decided.

Today is Derek's final then he has a few weeks off. Thank GOD! He's a grouch when he's having issues (time or homework). We tiptoe around him. I am sure he will do well, though I am afriad, from what he says, that he won't get an A form this class. I can still wish him good luck though.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Early Morning

You know, there's something nice about early mornings. It's quiet, everything feels calm, you haven't started the daily rush, if only the whole day could be like that.

I have been up since 0500. I came downstairs, ate breakfast, fixed a bottle for the baby, and worked out. Granted the working out part is not extremely calm or anything, but there is something satisfying about warmed up muscles. Plus, I think I am starting to see benefits fro my workouts. They are small (infintesimal), but still, it means it's starting to work. That helps make the day a little bit better.

I suppose I am one of those crazy morning people. My idea of sleeping in is 0900. I don't like to stay up late. I enjoy watching the sun rise and the way the morning breeze smells and feels. Those are the little things that just slip away when you get too busy. You forget what it's like. I don't want to forget what it's like. . . .

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Sunday Morning Quiet

Well, the plan was to go to church, but it's time to be going and everyone else inh the house is still upstairs, except Mason. He's sitting in his swing cooing and smiling. He already had a shower this monring but hasn't gotten dressed yet. He's also eaten, so he really has no complaints with life.

Mason has definitely slowed down in the growth area. I am hoping it's nothing serious, though it's hard to say. He does not seem to have anything wrong. In fact, the issue seems to be that he is too busy learning to eat. I sincerely hope that's all it is.

I am working my way through laundry and such. It's not precisely my favorite pasttime, but it's got to be done. I also got somme new area rugs for the living room so I laid those down yesterday. I am now trying to convince Derek to do some more re-arranging so we can open up the cramped living room.

Mercedes is up. She just came downstairs wearing one of 'Lexi's t-shirts and holding a teddy bear. So cute. Gotta have her Fruit Loops.

I enjoy the early morning quiet before everyone gets up. I suppose it's selfish of me, but those quiet minutes are really nice. Soetimes, I feel like I have to go go go to get things done for everyone, and I don't have time to just enjoy life. I think it's called parenthood. The kids are worth it. And Iam sure I will have too much quiet time once they are grown up and gone. Sadly.

I just hope when they are grown up and gone that they are good people. I doubt they will change the world, but as long as they aren't destroying it, we will have done something right. It's fun to watch them grow up and develop personalities and become people in their own right. It's exciting to imagine what they are going to become and see the possibilites stretching out in front of them.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Trying again

OK, I tried this a few days ago when I snuck in from work while everyone was upstairs. I had almost 30 minutes of peace and quiet. That one didn't take.

I tried again yesterday while I was pumping my breast. Again, it didn't take.

I am really hoping this one takes.

Christie and Pat are gone. And yes, they took the kids. We miss them. Of course, right after they left new people moved in. However, it took me two years to feel that we were friends. I can't imagine how long it will be before we find more people we feel comfortable with. I really am gonna miss them.

This has been a busy week. I found out Monday that there is a VERY good chance that I will deploy in January. I really was hoping that it would not happen so quickly, but when Uncle Sam says go, I go. And yes, I will be going to the latest of HOT vacation spots. I am thinking of doing a "Diary of a Deployed Mother". Who knows, maybe Karen would even publish it - not! It would be good stress relief for me though.

Blog - Take 3

OK, I tried this a few days ago when I snuck in from work while everyone was upstairs. I had almost 30 minutes of peace and quiet. That one didn't take.

I tried again yesterday while I was pumping my breast. Again, it didn't take.

I am really hoping this one takes.

Christie and Pat are gone. And yes, they took the kids. We miss them. Of course, right after they left new people moved in. However, it took me two years to feel that we were friends. I can't imagine how long it will be before we find more people we feel comfortable with. I really am gonna miss them.

This has been a busy week. I found out Monday that there is a VERY good chance that I will deploy in January. I really was hoping that it would not happen so quickly, but when Uncle Sam says go, I go. And yes, I will be going to the latest of HOT vacation spots. I am thinking of doing a "Diary of a Deployed Mother". Who knows, maybe Karen would even publish it - not! It would be good stress relief for me though.

Week 2

Second week of work down and I haven't been fired yet. I don't know that
I have accomplished much, but I did get my business plan to the front office for approval. I am also booking my first TDY, oh and there is a VERY strong possibility of deployment in January. I have completed another online course for my certification, which is also good, and I have signed up for still another course.

Some good friends left a few days ago. We are really going to miss them. It's the downside to military life, you get to know and like someone and they leave. You try to keep in touch but it does not always work.

So much more to say, but I really need to go work out.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005


'Lexi's mad at me,and Grandma, and Uncle Derek. We are going to force her to take martial arts one to two nights a week. We feel that she needs to have some physical activity on a regular basis, more than swimming. We tried to get her to take soccer, but she's just not interested. She wants to do softball, but that won't start until next spring. We don't want to do it, but we really feel like it will be good for her. We think she will like it after she's been doing it for a while, too.

Mercedes seems to be doing well, though she's a handful. Her "school" starts again at the end of this month and some of the neighbors kids will be going, so she will have friends. Well, more friends than she already has.Derek is also talking about putting her into martial arts, so maybe she will finally use up most of her energy.

Mason seems to have stopped growing, of course that could just be me tripping out over him not growing as fast as he was. Yes, I worry too much. He sees the doctor at the end of this month,so Iam trying to hold out.

Derek is hating the class he's in right now. He took a test last week that he says he failed. I hope, for his sake, he didn't, but we'll see. He's considering going to martial arts classes too. He needs the physical activity.

I found out this week that there is a very good chance that I will deploy in January. I am not looking forward to it. I would rather wait until Mason is over a year old. Sigh! I go where they tell me though. And I will do the best I can. My biggest worry is how Derek, Mom, and the kids will do. I suppose they will figure it out.

Shoot, supper's working. Suppose I better go.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Having a bad day

Mason is not having a good day. He's been spitting up all day. And of course, I am a worried Mommy. I hate when the kids don't feel good. Daddy is trying some formula in hopes that it will stay down. I might have inadvertently eaten something that's set him off. I survived week one of work. It's all down hill from here. I found out the my deployment cycle is this coming January. Sigh - I am not sure I want to go then, but I will if it's required. I'm still hoping for that depolyment to the french riviera I got several things marked off my To Do list. I still have a lot more, but every little bit helps. If I keep going I might have the house cleaned up by Christmas.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Monday - First Day Back

It's not too bad. The uniform is a bit tighter, but I can live with it! I have to relearn all of the combos though, and I got my first HOT tasker, due Friday. But it's good too. I am gonna be a busy woman. There are two TDYs already being discussed! It's gonna be fun! One to New York (state) and one to San Antonio and Mesa, AZ.

I am a little disappointed. I came home for lunch and everone is gone. They are getting Alexis school jeans which is important too, but I was looking forward to telling them about my day so far.

We took Alexis out for supper to Saki last night and as she was looking at the menu she realized something...she's no longer eligible for the kids menu. At least, not there. She was really bummed. She had a great birthday party on Saturday though (see 'Lexi's Pctures link - 253 pics).

I need to get some lunch and get ready to go back to work. I wanted to see Mason though! : (

Friday, July 29, 2005

Who said they could grow up?

Alright, I refuse to accept anymore of this growing up. I don't know who gave my children, all four of them, permission to get older, but it must stop, NOW! I haven't had enough time with them at the age they are. Brittney is - GASP - a teenager. And Alexis, well, she's working on it. How did this happen? And how did Mercedes get to be so big without me stopping it? Mason, well, 15 lbs of cute, cuddly baby that is growing so fast that he's going to be a man before I know it. Sigh, I miss them being small. I revel in each new achievement, I applaud every step towards independence, really, I do, but I miss cuddling them and holding them when they are small.

On the good side, I don't have to change diapers when they get older!

Tuesday, July 26, 2005


We watched Constantine recently and it got Derek into a philosophical mood. His question was: Isn't smoking a form of suicide? (This coming from the ex-smoker). And if so, then smokers won't go to heaven, right? Which launched us into a whole religous discussion which was very interesting, given the circumstances. And of course, no answer to Derek's question, however it is food for thought.

Had another trip to the ER last night, for Derek. No ambulance though. He's having servere muscle spasms in his back and abdomen. The doc gave him Flexoril and Vicadin. He's going to be in bed for a while I think. And it screwed up my good intentions to get up at 5 am and work out. I was exhausted. Plus I had to take Mercedes to school.

Are we beginning to see a pattern here?

On a good note, he got A's in both of his classes.

Monday, July 25, 2005


I thought I had it. but now I realize I need to do it differently. I was going to do the PhD program, but for $4000 a semester I am not sure my checkbook can hack it. It's not fair of me to add that kind of financial burden, at lest not until I talk to the Education office here and see what they can do to help. If they can't then I am goin to look at doing a MBA w/ a specia;ty in Knowledge Management. Oh joy!

One week! I am up at 5:00 am to work out (ugg), pump my breast, and just generally get back into practice. I don't wanna go back to work, and I feel guilty for feeling that way and guilty for having to leave Mason : (

Ow, ow, OW! Ok, getting up at 5:00 am was bad enough, but adding a workout on top is just horrific. And Mason just woke up. Sigh! So much for going back to sleep.

Sunday, July 24, 2005


I have decided, I think. I am going to start my PhD in Knowledge Management. I would prefer something in psychology, but I figure I need to stick with what my degree and career is in. I expect it will not be extremely easy, but it's worth trying. I would be able to teach after I got out (maybe even before). I could have a job and become an adjunct professor or something like that. Then I would only teach a couple of days a week, and not worry about the rest.

You know, I have been thinking about having another child in the future (2 -3 years). Everyone thinks I am nuts, but I am not. People have an idea of what their perfect family is, mine has always been to have three children. A girl and a boy and the third didn't matter as long as they were all healthy. I never planned my perfect wedding or anything like that. I never actually expected to get married. I thought I would be adopting three kids to raise on my own, which I was fine with. I am happy to have my own though. I will love them whether they are biologically mine or not, just so long as I have three. I will get fixed after the last one, so there won't be the worry that more could show up, though with our household, more could show up at any time. I don't think I am crazy for wanting three kids, I don't think people are crazy for not wanting kids at all, or only wanting one two, or ten. It's just my vision of the perfect family.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005


I DON'T WANNA GO BACK TO WORK! Really, I don't! I want to stay home and enjoy my son being little. I don't think I would really miss work that much, though work does offer some good points, you know, like a paycheck. The work is not the problem, I never have minded hard work. I just don't like being gone so much.

I ave a sunburn. My nose even blistered. Ouch! I really should be more careful. I was in the jeep and didn't realize how long I was out driving. Painful!

I have to give Mason a bath now. He's being all cute and playful, so I need to take advantage of it. He's so sweet.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


The house is quiet - somewhat - without the kids around. Yes, I miss the little turkeys but it's also kind of nice. I have been so exhausted from Mason's odd sleeping schedule (he's awake a LOT more these days) that I am just cranky and have no energy. I can't WAIT to go back to work like this (note the sarcasm).

Wow! I got the call from the laser eye center to have my eyes done. Unfortunately, since it has not been six months since Mason was born I can't have it. I am SOOO aggravated.

I have been reading a lot more. I have started the new Harry Potter book, but am trying not to read too much so I don't irritate Derek. We are going to get the book on CD so that we can listen to it at dinner as a family. Won't that be nice? I have been reading the latest Patricia Cornwall book, and I will probably be done today. I enjoy reading without guilt. It's a really nice concept!

Shoot! Gotta go get supper in the crockpot. At least it's an easy meal : )

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Kids Say the Funniest Things

As I was feeding Mason last night, Mercedes was being her usual curious self. There was a baby picture of her in a frame on the table. She told us that it was Mason. Very cute. It also tells me how much the two of them look alike. Do you think that will bother them as they get older?

I think I have decided what to do about another degree (and when). I have GI Bill Benefits through January 2007, and I hate to let them go to waste, so I think I will start a PhD in Psychology this fall. Ouch! I also need to finish that class for my information assurance certification, but I think that will have to wait until next fall. The PhD will require a dissertation which I DO NOT want to do, but it makes me more marketable in the long run, and besides, I can be Dr Thiem. Isn't that a hoot?

It hit me this morning that I only have a few more weeks of leave left, then I have to go back to work. It's not that work is so bad, it's that I am so lazy. I work with nice people and don't mind the job at all, it's just nice to not HAVE to work every day. The realization that I would not MIND being a house-spouse has struck me several times over the last few years. I enjoy holding my babies for hours at a time. I like to be able to go to their events without any questions. I want to be involved in their lives. Plus, sleeping in is not a bad thing either. I don't see it happening though, so back to the degree thing. . . .

'Lexis gets her braces next month. It's cheaper than we expected, though still almost $5000. We are going to go ahead and do it since they are having a summer special, then once the custody paperwork comes through we are going to see if Tricare will pay some of it. The doctor says that she will have to wear them for two to two and a half years, so right before we leave she will get them off. I think part of that time will be wearing a retainer, so it's not all bad. She's resigned to it, though I can't blame her for not wanting them. The doctor says that her teeth and jaw will be painful later on if she doesn't have it, so a little pain now, or a lot later? A little now I think!

I think we are going to the Dayton Air Show this weekend. It sounds as if they are going to have a lot of really neat stuff. On the downside, it's a bit pricey. I didn't realize they were charging admission, I guess I was thinking it was like air shows on bases where it's open to the public. Oh well, it will be interesting, I think.

I need to give Mason a bath now. He likes baths, so it won't be too bad. I'm just hoping that he doesn't decide to pee on me again. I think he waits until I am being less than cautious and lets fly. He's got both arc and distance, though the aim is not always so good. And people wonder why I think little girls are easier. Sigh!

Monday, July 11, 2005

Our Weekend

You know, it's nice to see old friends. You know, the people who knew you before you were a spouse/parent/adult. They remind you of who you were and that you used to be a fun person. God we are all getting old. We've all put on a couple of pounds (some more that a couple), gotten some gray hair, and just generally gotten older. And you know what really matters? None of tht made a difference when we saw each other. We hugged and talked and laughed like it was yesterday that we had last seen each other. Oh, and the wedding was beautiful too.

It was a nice wedding. The plantation was gorgeous. Amazing how people really did live like that. And I am so spoiled, central heat and air, how would I live without it?

Speaking of friends, Christie and Pat are leaving - soon. It's a definite downside to military life. You find people you like and can get along with and they leave or you leave. I can only hope that the people who move in next are as nice as Pat and Christie. An added bonus would be a 10 or 11 year old girl for Alexis to hang out with. I don't know what she is going to do once Sami leaves.

Mason has his 2 month well-baby appt this afternoon. I think he's doing very well, but I will be happy to have the doctor confirm it. Yes, I am still hyperensitive. After all of the miscarriages and Mercedes incident I am probably overly concerned about my children, but hey, I'm a mother.

The wedding was beautiful, West Virginia, Pennsylvanie, MAryland, and Virginia are gorgeous states. Derek was not overly thrilled driving through the mountains although Alexis was enjoying tormenting him about heights. The mountains themselves were beautiful, though I think I prefer the beauty of wide open plains more. I think I would be a bit claustrophobic surrounded by a forest.

Derek had a ball talking to old friends and actually seeing people he knew. He also had fun showing his children of which is to be expected since none of our old friends knew we evenhad kids. I am wondering how much money changed hands when they found out we are still married. . . .

The hotel we stayed in was nice. Especially the King size bed. Oh yes, our next bed will be a king size bed. There was more than enough room for us and it was quite comfortable. The only downside I can see is finding homes with bedrooms large enough to accomodate the bed. Still, it would be SOOO nice!

I am glad the trip is over, though. Those long road trips are hard on everyone, paticularly the 4 year pold who is ALWAYS hungry these days. She does not always eat a lot, but she is ALWAYS hungry it seems like.

Well, it's bath time for Mason and I need to get Alexis up shortly to go to the orthodontist. Fun days!

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Not Much Happenin'

It's been a pretty quiet week, not that I am complaining. We are leaving early on Saturday morning to go to a friends wedding in Virginia. That will be nice. It's been a long time since we've seen Amanda and I think we all deserve a little time away from home.

Tonight Mom and I have Bunko with the ladies of the neighborhood. I am looking forward to that. It should be a LOT of fun. I am not much of a Bunko player, but it's nice to sit and relax with other mothers.

Mason has been fussy off and on from the teething. The little white nubs are starting to show through more. Poor thing, there is NOTHING we can do to help him with the pain except cold stuff which he hates. He's slowed down on his growth too, I think maybe because of the teething. He has not been eating quite as much, although he's picking up on that again.

Derek is getting pretty close to being done with his business communications course. It's been a lot of work since he's had to write memos and papers every other day and he had a presentaiton a few days ago which had him stressed. I am guessing he will get an A though.

I guess I should go before my battery runs out even though I have more stuff on my mind. Maybe later.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Dedication For Mason

The dedication for Mason went very well. He was quiet and well-behaved throughout the ceremony and looked cute, cuddly and adorable. You can see pictures at the websites (use the links to the right). All of them are in the Kids album. Everyone looked nice and it was a quiet ceremony. I am glad we did it, but I wish we could have had the rest of the family wth us to share the joy! Mercedes was having trouble settling down so she wasn't in some of the pictures which is a bit frustrating but overall they are nice.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

It's too early

Why is my child a morning person? Yes, I know I am a morning person, but not when I stay up until 1:00 a.m. and am awake once or twice during the night. No, I want to sleep in on those days. Just until 10 or 11.

By the way, I am trying to keep the kids blogs updated every week too, so if you read about the family, you can get slightly biased news from their blogs. Alexis will be writing more in her own, though she is not thrilled about it.

Derek is working quite a bit on his presentation for his Business Communication class. His partner was here for several hours yesterday. And they are going to do it again tomorrow. I hope Derek remembers that tomorrow is Mason's dedication. I will be quite irritated with him if he forgets!

I need to finish getting the pictures ready to send and the letters written to go in them. I am just too easily distracted. I guess I will go do that as soon as I am done with this, which will be now!

Friday, July 01, 2005

I'm So Happy

Well, except for the fact that we lost one of the two sets of Mom's keys in this house somewhere and the other set got locked in the car. $55 later and a visit form the locksmith and we have the car open. Now we need to have another key made and hope it doesn't happen again. Our guess is we will find the other key next winter when we wear some of our winter clothes, or when we move. Lovely. . . .

On the happy side, I can fit into some (not all) of my prepregnancy jeans again. Yes, they are a bit tight and it takes more work to button/zip them, but I can wear them! Yes, I can wear them! It gives me hope. Along with the 350 crunches on the AB Lounger, the pushups and the lateral thigh trainer, I might just get myself back into shape. In fact, I might be in better shape than I was before I got pregnant at this rate. If it would just stop raining, I could go for walks or bike rides. The bike rides are a bit rough as I found out a few nights ago. There are TOO many hills around here, and my bike has only one gear. Boy, that hurt. But I got a heck of a workout.

Derek is studying all day today for his presentation. He's very worried about it. He had a smaller version yesterday that he said was really bad. He does not do well with speaking in public. He's fine with the writing though and is doing very well. He also got a 109% out of 100% in his biology class, for a solid A. I sometimes wonder if he's in the wrong degree program. . . . He's hoping for an A in his Business Communication class so he can bring his GPA up. So far he's got a decent chance.

We've been plannnig 'Lexi's birthday party and we think we have a pretty good plan in place. We have started getting stuff for her too. There will be alot of games and stuff. She will be filling water balloons for days beforehand. : )

Mom, Alexis, and I found some truly gorgeous dresses at a little kiosk at the BX yesterday. Did we need them? No! They were not a bad price though and they were comofortable. We went back and got Michelle's Christmas present too. We think she will love them. We each got her something. Brittney might be getting something from there too. The clothing is distinctive yet pretty. And the colors are (sigh) wonderful. I found a deep green dress that I love. Alexis found a gorgeous dark blue and Mom found a fuschia. And the dresses are such that they could be casual to casual dressy. I like that. Of course, I like clothes.

I need to go get pictures into envelopes and addressed. Oh fun. I probably need to write some letters too. Sigh! It's going to be a busy day!

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

I Did It

Yes, I did it. Really, I did. I went out and rode my bike last night. Those hills really suck! I did it though and my legs were telling me how much they did not like it. This was after I had done 250 crunches and 10 pushups, so I might have been a bit tired to begin. But I did it! I think tonight I will stick with the fast walk. That's a bit easier on me. The bike ride was nice though. It would have been a lot nicer without those hills though!

I am semi-committed (or I should be) to getting back into shape and dropping 10 more lbs. How well will that work? I don't know. I am naturally lazy and not used to having to work on getting my body to look ok. It's hard. I would rather eat Blizzards and watch cartoons. I think I can live with myself if Idon't lose the weight, but it would be really nice if I could.

I am looking at taking online courses for a degree in psychology too. Am I a glutton for punishment or what? I have to use the last of my GI Bill or lose it for good, so I am considering an online degree in psychology. I found one in forensic psychology but the school is not approved by the VA. I figure getting another degree makes me more marketable in the long run. However, I am NOT willing to do a PhD program or write another thesis. I am a bit crazy but I am NOT absolutely insane (yet).

Derek finishes his Biology course this week (tomorrow). He has done so well that he does not have to take the final and he still gets and A. I am really happy for him, though he has been a bit of a bear off and on. He now has to finish the Business Communications course. He does not think that will be a problem. So far he has an A in that class as well. He has a presentation to do that he is not looking forward to but I am sure he will do fine. He's better at this school stuff than he gives himself credit for.

I guess I need to go do some more dishes. I really HATE dishes. Laundry is not so bad, dishes, uggg!

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Sunny side up

I am out of bed. It is only 9:16. We thought Mom had a DRs appt, but, again, I did something screwy with the calendar becuase the drs office said she did not have an appt. It could have been they screwed up spelling her name - again. No telling. Anyways, I was up before 8:00 AM this morning. Sigh.

Mason is trying to decide if he REALLY wants to wake up yet. He gets a bath once he wakes up, but he doesn't mind those. He makes some really cute chuffing noises when he first goes in, then he settle down and enjoys it. He does not like when I take him out though. I think I will wait until reinforcements (Mom and Alexis) get down here, so I can have someone to dry him off as soon as his little butt leaves the water. He so has me trained!

I looked at the co-pay for Alexis braces from United Concordia. If we get custody of her and get her added to our insurance it will be a 50% co-pay according to the bookelt. Now, can I really trust that they will pay that much? I don't know. I can hope, since the procedure will be around $5500, but there is no telling.

I need to go do stuff, like laundry and address envelopes with pictures, and stuff like that. Oh the joys of being home.