Friday, August 12, 2005

Blog - Take 3

OK, I tried this a few days ago when I snuck in from work while everyone was upstairs. I had almost 30 minutes of peace and quiet. That one didn't take.

I tried again yesterday while I was pumping my breast. Again, it didn't take.

I am really hoping this one takes.

Christie and Pat are gone. And yes, they took the kids. We miss them. Of course, right after they left new people moved in. However, it took me two years to feel that we were friends. I can't imagine how long it will be before we find more people we feel comfortable with. I really am gonna miss them.

This has been a busy week. I found out Monday that there is a VERY good chance that I will deploy in January. I really was hoping that it would not happen so quickly, but when Uncle Sam says go, I go. And yes, I will be going to the latest of HOT vacation spots. I am thinking of doing a "Diary of a Deployed Mother". Who knows, maybe Karen would even publish it - not! It would be good stress relief for me though.

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