Wednesday, March 30, 2005


Mason is quite active these days. I get feet and knees poking out all over the place, at least that's how it feels. I am hoping he decides to show up in the next few weeks. I am tired, very tired.

Derek started school yesterday. He's not too sure about being in class for 6 hours straight, but at least it's only two days a week. He worked on homework for most of the day today. I guess the classes are homework intensive.

Work for me is busy. Not so much physically, though it seems like I am going to be going to meetings EVERY FREAKING DAY. It's more trying to learn everything, and it never seems to happen fast enough. There is so much to get through, and my eyes hurt, and my side hurts, and my head hurts, and my feet hurt, and YES, I am whining! Suffer!

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Week 34

Derek starts school on Tuesday. He's scheduled everyting for Tuesday an Thursday so he goes all day on thsoe two days. It's not a bad arrangement overall, though it makes those two days really long. He's not looking forward to starting the one class. It's the first degree specific (MIS) class he has to take and he doesn't think it will be much fun. I think he will be fine, but then again, I seem to have more confidence in his abilities than he does : )
He petitioned the school to drop his bad grade from two quarters ago so he can bring his GPA back up. That hopefully won't take too long, but you never know with bureacracies, right?
He got all of his grades back from last quarter (finally) last week. He got three A's and a C. He was a bit unhappy about the C, but lucky for him he doesn't have to take anymore classes in Economics, so he might be able to avoind getting anymore of those. His GPA is still respectable which is good. The A's helped too, though the C did bum him out a little.
I found out that I have bronchitis on Friday. I suppose I knew that and was just avoiding the doctor. They gave me antibiotics, cough syrup (YUCK), and an inhaler. I feel like a walking pharmacy. Mason however is doing fine. In fact, I think he gets a kick out of the biouncing that occurs when I cough.
My new job is pretty laid back, though I am still in the early stages, so that could possibly change. I hope not though. When I get off maternity leave (sometime in July), I will start travelling, so it's got some perks. I am definitely going to San Antonio, which is not a hardship at all. The work itself sounds very interesting, so I should have fun. If you can call work fun.
We have a busy week ahead. Alexis has to go to the dentist Tuesday, Mom has a meeting with the financial advisor on Wednesday to discuss lon-term care options, and I have a Dr's appt Thursday morning. Not to mention the million and one little details that will crop up along the way. Why is it that when you are already busy, there are so many more things that HAVE to get done at the same time?
Oh, and I am now 34 weeks along. Mason could be born now and have very few problems, which is nice to know. The info says he's about 18-20 inches and over 5 lbs, with fully developed lungs. Right now he is supposedly putting on fat. He can have any of mine he wants, I swear I don't mind.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Another Day in "Paradise"

Well, alexis seems to be over her bronchitis, however, it has hit Mom really (really) hard, so she's staying in bed again today.

I am on the recovery side of the crud myself, so I am not worth a whole lot either. Mercedes had a day or two of problems, but she seems to be over it now. She's her usualy bouncy self.

Derek is taking care of some administrative things for school this week. He also says he wants to get the house cleaned up but I think that will end up happening after I have Mason. He doesn't multi-task well.

Work is going well. Very quiet. I had forgotten how laid back the lab is. What a nice change. No 16 hour days, no outrageous deadlines. I can live with that. Really, I can.

What is really nice is not having to worry about homework or a thesis. I definitely think a PHD is a bad idea. Another Bachelor's would not be so bad, but nothing more than that. It's too hard on everyone involved.

Tomorrow night we are going to dye eggs at our house with the girls and some neighbor kids (Christy, if I forget to call, we are doing it aorund 6:30 Friday night, you are all welcome). That ought to be interesting. It's fun though, even if it is messy. It's part of the Easter holiday for the kids, so we can't leave it out. Saturday morning we are doing a neighborhood Easter Egg hunt which ought to be a riot. I can only imagine how funny that will be to see all of the little people running around looking for eggs. I am hoping its nice enough to have the picnic afterwards.

It's been raining off and on this week, so there is no telling what Easter is going to look like. I guess its better than snow, right? I'm definitely sick of cold weather.

Monday, March 21, 2005


You know, it's almost anti-clamctic, the whole graduation thing. I just the want the stupid piece of paper. I really was hoping to avoid this whole mess, but of course, the doctor won't let me. Sigh!

I start my new job tomorrow. I am not really looking forward to actually working 8 hour days again, but in a lot of ways it will be easier too. When I leave the office, I can leave work behind. What a refielf. I don't have to focus on getting homework done, a book read, or a paper typed up. It really is a relief.

The graduation ceremony is not supposed to last more than an hour and half which is a relief. I am not sure my bladder could handle more than that. Mercedes is going to the babysitters, and Mom has bronchitis so is staying home to rest and try to reover. She's really hot, poor baby. I am hoping she can get some antibiotics or in to see a doctor tomorrow. I do not want to take her to the ER. That would just ruin my week.

Well, I need to go get graduated.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Saturday morning

Ok, graduation is Monday, then I start the new job on Tuesday. I am not really sure I am looking forward to that, but I guess I'll make the best of it. I will only be there a few weeks before Mason is born, then I will be off for 3 months or so. I could use a break!

Derek is making a To Do list. He says he meant to start doing stuff on Wednesday of this week, but he was enjoying the freedom of no class too much I think. Next week though, well, it will be rough. He has to get the laundry room ready for the new washer and dryer, clean the house, hang shelves, hang the bike racks, and a million other things that are going to drive him nuts. If we get the girls unk beds, he will have to put those up too. Hopefully that won't be so bad, but we will have to get a storage unit and move stuff into it. That is not going to fun, though it should make more room in the house, which would be nice.

We went out to eat last night to a decent restaraunt to "celebrate" the completion of my thesis. What a relief. I still have problems with guilt. I feel like I should be studying or something, though I don't have any more classes, and my thesis is complete.

It's supposed to get cold this weekend. Yesterday was really (really) nice. 61 degrees was the high. Today is back tothe 30's I think. I wish it would make up it's mind.

I am not sure if my cold is getting better, holding on, or getting worse. My throat was really sore last night and I am coughing more, but that could just be that I am just getting rid of the last of the junk. I really hope that is what is going on. It's hard to sleep when all your airways are blocked up.

I am planning to do as little as possible today. Derek is still passed out upstairs and I think I will let him sleep a while. I might try to get some laundry done, but I am making no major plans. I like sitting aaround in my pajamas and doing nothing.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Thursday, I think

Ok, I figure I have put in since Tuesday at 1230 (am) around 25-30 hours of work on my thesis. Yes, I am being serious. I am still suffering from the lack of sleep, and it shows in so many ways : ) My blood pressure is also bordering on high, though the first year (or possibly second, though I doubt it) was too frazzled to really note that. Gee, could high blood pressure in a woman who has had pre-eclampsia in the past a possible warning sign? No, he did not make me feel reassured, in fact, I felt old, becuase he looked a little like Doogie Howser.

This has just been one of those weeks for me. I have been running my butt off, not just with thesis stuff either, though the thesis has been the focus over the past two days. I took the finished product to be printed at Kinko's, so that completes all of the requirements as far as that goes. Expensive though. I am thinking about having my books of poetry bound also, so it will give me an idea of the expense. I need to finish getting them typed up though. I have one, or two typed up, but there are many more waiting. Perhaps they would make devent XMAS presents for some friends and family. Then again, I might be overstimating the draw of my poetry.

Derek is now totally done with school, but he seems to be catching up on sleep. I guess that's not a bad thing. He has a honey-do list for next week, so a few days off this week is ok. I wish I could have had a few days off this week. I guess I will get my time off when Mason is born, right?

Wednesday, March 16, 2005


I got the rest of my edits on my thesis back yesterday (yes, Karen, be VERY grateful that Mike didn't have to do a thesis), and had to have them turned back in this morning. I finished at 2:15 am (yes, this morning). I spell-checked, I grammar-checked, I visually checked, then I did it all again, several times. I made all of the edits, plus I went over the edits from the previous time and checked to see that I had made them. I wasted 3/4 of a ream of paper. Now, I am hoping that the reader accepts it. Maybe with a minor edit or two, but accepts it. I met her deadline, and I am really (really) tired. I guess we'll see. I suppose I could graduate in June instead.

Derek took his last final last night, so he's off until MAr 28th or 29th. He's got a list of stuff he wants to do, but there is no telling if he will get to it. He thinks he did alright in his classes, though the finals are making him re-think what his grades will be. I guess they were not what he expected or studied for.

I am trying to eat breakfast and type this on 4 hours of sleep, so I think I better quit while I am ahead. God knows I am hard enough to follow when I am rested, when I am this tred, I am just plain loopy.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

I hate colds

Why me? Why me when I am 8 months pregnant? Sigh! Alexis started it last week when she came home sick. Mom followed, but is recovering quickly (more quickly than anyone else). Sunday it hit Mercedes and I in a full frontal assault that is still going on. We aren't sleeping, our noses are like leaky faucets, and we feel awful. Last night Mercedes woke up at 3 AM with a coughing fit. She finally got back to sleep around 5 AM and the alarms started going off at 6. Derek and I both turned the alarms off and went back to sleep until I woke up at 7:30 and realized we were all still asleep. I didn't hear Mom and Alexis get up to go to school or anything. Needless to say, I am tired. So is Derek.

Derek only has one final left. He does not seem to think he did very well on the other three, but he won't know until next week. He only has three classes next term so it shouldn't be so bad. He also has spring break with the girls next week. I start back to a real job next Tuesday. Oh joy.

I got my grades yesterday. I am graduating with a 3.47 GPA, which I am not unhappy about. Yes, I could have done better. Yes, I know it's a respectable GPA. But I am having that overachiever attack. My thesis is still not complete, but all I am doing now is editting (still, so I get to graduate and go forth into the big world. I think I will be editting for the next 6 months, so I am feeling much calmer now. That's saying a lot, considering how high strung I am.

Saturday, March 12, 2005


Ok, I was very depressed yesterday, but I am better today. The reader who is making my life difficult basically told me that I can do so much better and unless I clean up my thesis by Wednesday she won't sign. I think we will go without her signature. It's a bit late in the day for these games.

I stated Mercedes blog (see Sidebar) today. I think I will wait until Mason is born to start his. The next question is, do I start one for Mom? hmmm. . . .

I have no studying to do, no homework, nothing. My advisor said not to worry over my thesis this weekend and we would see what happens on Monday. Easier said than do, but I will try.

We have a light snow on the ground, but I think it will melt off today. I am tired of these little storms that make everything yucky but don't make it worth it to stay home. At least the big storms justify staying under a warm blanket with a good book and a cup of hot chocolate. I so miss San Antonio.

I suppose I could take a nap and hope the snow melts off. I was going to take the girls to the YMCA pool today, but 'Lex isn't feeling well, so that's off. Maybe I should scout through my books and find one to read.

Patch is still peeved with us. She had to go to the vet recently. She has a urinary tract infection, and they also pulled blood for some additional tests. She's getting old, so she's prone to other problems like diabetes or kidney failure. She's been acting up lately, so we wanted to have her checked. She also got her annual shots which she took stoicly. She also has some lovely antibiotics that we give her twice a day. That is a two person job, so we have to corral her and jump her then pry open her mouth and force the medicine into her. She won't talk to us for a while after that, but at least she isn't spitting it back up. The dogs go next month, so Derek gets to worry about them.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

I need anger management classes

Ok, I got my third reader to at least give back my thesis. It's a COMPLETE re-write. Yes, I am angry. I was ready to tell them to take their degree and. . . mailto:.&^%%#&&@#$%^%!())_. I am still fairly hot under the collar over it. And she's not my advisor! My advisor is blithely sitting by and letting her run over me and make my life a living hell. Is it too freaking much to ask that you approve the edits we AGREED to when I defended and be done with the damn thing? Do I not have enough stress these days?

I did finish all of the requirements for my last class. I took the final yesterday and I think I passed with a minimum of a B. Do I care, not really. I just want the pain to be over.

And on top of all this, I can feel my blood pressure going up which is NOT what I need. I definitely think the whole process needs to be re-vamped and improved!

BTW, note that I created a BLOG for Alexis and added the link to the right. I will try to update it at least once a week. I am also going to do the same for Mercedes, Mason, and possible Mom so that everyone doesn't have to read my rantings. And yes, I am RANTING today!

Tuesday, March 08, 2005


Ok, I am now one step closer to publishing my thesis. One of my readers is semi-ready to sign off. Hopefully the other will be shortly. I so want to be done with it.

I handed in my last paper for class, and I have the final tomorrow. I am seriously hoping for a B. I suppose I should attempt to study some today, though I am not sure there is any point.

Alexis started school today, I am starting a blog specifically for her. I am also thinking of doing one Mercedes and Mason too. I'll have to see.

Life is still too busy to get a handle on, but I think it's going to slow down shortly.

I had an OB appt yesterday. Mason is still fine and seems to be a happy camper so all is good.

We signed up for the YMCA yesterday as well. Alexis will start swimming lessons next month and Mom is thinking about taking water aerobics or something like that to get some exercise. I will probably have to nag, which I hate doing, but she really needs to be more active to control her blood sugar.


Ok, I am now one step closer to publishing my thesis. One of my readers is semi-ready to sign off. Hopefully the other will be shortly. I so want to be done with it.

I handed in my last paper for class, and I have the final tomorrow. I am seriously hoping for a B. I suppose I should attempt to study some today, though I am not sure there is any point.

Alexis started school today, I am starting a blog specifically for her. I am also thinking of doing one Mercedes and Mason too. I'll have to see.

Life is still too busy to get a handle on, but I think it's going to slow down shortly.

I had an OB appt yesterday. Mason is still fine and seems to be a happy camper so all is good.

We signed up for the YMCA yesterday as well. Alexis will start swimming lessons next month and Mom is thinking about taking water aerobics or something like that to get some exercise. I will probably have to nag, which I hate doing, but she really needs to be more active to control her blood sugar.

Friday, March 04, 2005

Additional Friday Chatter

Ok, Alexis will live. She had her first run-in with a dentist this morning. We thought she had an infected tooth, so we made a quickie appt with our dentist, and she is ok. She needs some additional dental work, but no infected tooth, so life is good. Next on the agenda is the eye appt. That is less invasive so I think she will be ok. Plus, the place we are going sells Scooby Doo frames for kids in case she needs glasses. WHat more could a 10 year old want, but Scooby Doo glasses?

The four year old was good this morning. She didn't fight about getting out of bed, taking a shower, or getting her hair brushed. She was kind of floppy when Daddy went to put her clothes on, but beggars can't be choosers, right? She ate breakfast (chocolate donuts - so sue me) on the floor and made a mess, but she cleaned it up so that was ok too. I ended up taking her to school, since the dental appt was at 8:00 this monring. It was the best I could do on short notice, but at least Alexis got in. Mercedes demanded to wear her new pink rain coat (even though it is suppsoed to SNOW today), but it was easier to give in than fight with her since we were in a hurry.

Mason has been awake off and on since 1:00 am. He's being quite rude, kicking my bladder when it's already full and I am in the middle of class. Or aiming for the back of my ribs. That really HURTS sometimes. He also likes to use my belly-button as a punching bag which is really a unique feeling. At least he's healthy, right? Next OB appt is Monday, so we can hear how he's doing first-hand then. No more pictures, at least not for a while, sorry. I ought to take a tummy shot to share. I'm getting quite roly poly. It's cute!

Derek now has a plan for the next two years or so for his school. If he wants to take 4 classes a term he can finish in the Sping of 2007, otherwise it will be the fall. I think it's pretty cool that he can see the light at the end of the tunnel. God knows he's been stressing enough over it. It looks like he will pull all A's this term, though there is the possibility of a B or 2 if finals don't go very well. I think he'll do great, but I always think that. Next term will be a bit lighter for him, which will be really good. Kind of a break, I guess.

Mom is doing well. She's tired right now, but it has been a busy week. With Alexis arrival, normal day-to-day activities, shopping for Alexis and now multiple doctors appts at odd hours, you can't really blame her. She's also working on 2 absolutely gorgeous baby blankets for classmates of mine, so that's keeping her busy as well. She did spoil herself and get a new Easter dress yesterday and some really pretty sweaters. It's one of those things you have to do every once in a while, right?

It looks like I will graduate as planned on 21 MArch. I still think it's a crock that I can only invite 4 people. Oh, and they recommend getting a babysitter for small, sticky people. Like those little people aren't improtant parts of my family who I want to share the experience with? I guess the imp[ortnt thing is that I will be DONE. NO more school, at least for a while! Of course, no more slacking during the week either. Oh well, I will survive.

Another Friday

It is way too early to be up, especially after I was up for three hours during the night. Thankfully I don't have to really be awake for my one class today. And hopefully I will be out of it before 1100. A nap would be nice. Yes, one of those daytime sleep things, usually reserved for small children and elderly. And I can't drink coffee, at least not enough to make up for the lack of sleep. It's a conspiracy, I swear.

It's supposed to be in the 40's today. Break out the bikini (can pregnant women wear bikini's?). Seriously, it should be a nice day, and we have plenty of errands to run, though after yesterday, we are keeping it light.

We went and got Alexis winter clothes yesterday. She does NOT like shopping. She probably would have said yes to a garbage bag just so we could go. I guess I can't blame her. I have more fun shopping for everyone else, it's a hassle to shop for myself. She needed warmer clothes for school, though, becuase we are due for more snow in the next few days and it's only March, we still have through April to worry about.

Mercedes got some cute little outfits too, but she wasn't in the mood to try anything on. I don't think she took a nap at preschool yesterday.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Again 3/2/05

I have Alexis in my hot little hands now. She arrived earlier this evening, safe and sound. Tomorrow we have to go update her wardrobe so she has enough winter clothes. Funny thing about flying, you can go from decent weather (San Antonio) to freezing your butt off with snow on the ground (Ohio), in a matter of hours.

Alexis seems happy to be here, and has slipped back into the routine quickly. We are happy to have her, so all should be good. We are hoping she can start school on Monday, though there might be a glitch or two. The school system here seems to be having problems with their administration. If I couod afford it, she woulod be in private school after today.

And by the way, I did see (and smell) the Cinnabon located in the Dayton Int'l airport today. However, I was iron-willed. I walked past without even going in. But I wanted too, I really did!


Yea, it's Wednesday. Note the enthusiasm. I am pretty happy abount one thing, I was able to order my tickets for Circue De Soleil: Varekai. Granted it's not until August, but at least I will FINALLY get to go see it. Hopefully the girls will also enjoy it.

It is now less than three weeks until granduation. I have a final next week with a 5 page paper due, plus I sitll need to get my thesis printed if they will ever give it back to me. That's a bit of a pain. I am ready for the pain to be over. I think I will avoid school for a while.

Alexis arrives today. Yea! We are looking forward to her arrival. Of course, everything is chaotic as usual. Yesterday was a doozy as well. Grocery shopping, gymnastics, and just rushing aorund.

I really have been trying to get the house cleaned up, but it seems to be an impossible task. For ever little bit I get cleaned, someone or something comes behind me and re-dirties it. I am feeling a bit frustrated over this, if you can't tell. A little bit of support would be nice, especially when I am 7 1/2 months pregnant. Yes, I am very irritable these days.