Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Again 3/2/05

I have Alexis in my hot little hands now. She arrived earlier this evening, safe and sound. Tomorrow we have to go update her wardrobe so she has enough winter clothes. Funny thing about flying, you can go from decent weather (San Antonio) to freezing your butt off with snow on the ground (Ohio), in a matter of hours.

Alexis seems happy to be here, and has slipped back into the routine quickly. We are happy to have her, so all should be good. We are hoping she can start school on Monday, though there might be a glitch or two. The school system here seems to be having problems with their administration. If I couod afford it, she woulod be in private school after today.

And by the way, I did see (and smell) the Cinnabon located in the Dayton Int'l airport today. However, I was iron-willed. I walked past without even going in. But I wanted too, I really did!


Thumper said...

:::jumps up & down, waving:::


I am soooo glad she's there with y'all now, too. What an awesome kid.

Kansas Cowgirl said...

Poor kid, she left behind a real mess this time, but God willing (and lots of patience on our parts) she will not be effected by it for long. And I am stubborn enough to make sure of that!