Wednesday, March 16, 2005


I got the rest of my edits on my thesis back yesterday (yes, Karen, be VERY grateful that Mike didn't have to do a thesis), and had to have them turned back in this morning. I finished at 2:15 am (yes, this morning). I spell-checked, I grammar-checked, I visually checked, then I did it all again, several times. I made all of the edits, plus I went over the edits from the previous time and checked to see that I had made them. I wasted 3/4 of a ream of paper. Now, I am hoping that the reader accepts it. Maybe with a minor edit or two, but accepts it. I met her deadline, and I am really (really) tired. I guess we'll see. I suppose I could graduate in June instead.

Derek took his last final last night, so he's off until MAr 28th or 29th. He's got a list of stuff he wants to do, but there is no telling if he will get to it. He thinks he did alright in his classes, though the finals are making him re-think what his grades will be. I guess they were not what he expected or studied for.

I am trying to eat breakfast and type this on 4 hours of sleep, so I think I better quit while I am ahead. God knows I am hard enough to follow when I am rested, when I am this tred, I am just plain loopy.

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