Sunday, January 11, 2009

Heading out tomorrow

I have survived my first week in the new jobs, but I think they were going easy on me since I am leaving for three weeks. I feel like I am their Christmas/birthday present to themselves. I am taking on a lot of the admin/day-to-day type of things. This week, I have mentored a young officer, provided significant input to a senior leader briefing , and just been there to do little things. I know it's going to be even busier when I get back. And our new boss gets here in July so I imagine I will be gearing up for that as well.

I am looking forward to this 3 week training class as an oppotunity to get away, but I still have a lot of things I have to keep doing while I am gone. I have started work on the research paper/thesis I have to do for my current Master's and I am finishing up two classes I have been teaching. I am starting four more classes (teaching) while I am in the class learning, so it's going to be very interesting.

I am hoping to use these three weeks to get back into shape by working out and getting back onto the lower calorie diet I had been foloowing. I gained a few pounds over the holidays so I want to shed those. They don't really worry me until I put it into the context of 4 lbs every holiday with no weight loss in between. It adds up then.

Life is pretty good though. Busy, but good!