Monday, August 15, 2005

Early Morning

You know, there's something nice about early mornings. It's quiet, everything feels calm, you haven't started the daily rush, if only the whole day could be like that.

I have been up since 0500. I came downstairs, ate breakfast, fixed a bottle for the baby, and worked out. Granted the working out part is not extremely calm or anything, but there is something satisfying about warmed up muscles. Plus, I think I am starting to see benefits fro my workouts. They are small (infintesimal), but still, it means it's starting to work. That helps make the day a little bit better.

I suppose I am one of those crazy morning people. My idea of sleeping in is 0900. I don't like to stay up late. I enjoy watching the sun rise and the way the morning breeze smells and feels. Those are the little things that just slip away when you get too busy. You forget what it's like. I don't want to forget what it's like. . . .

1 comment:

Thumper said...

Cripes, at 0500 I'd only been alseep for an hour...