Thursday, July 07, 2005

Not Much Happenin'

It's been a pretty quiet week, not that I am complaining. We are leaving early on Saturday morning to go to a friends wedding in Virginia. That will be nice. It's been a long time since we've seen Amanda and I think we all deserve a little time away from home.

Tonight Mom and I have Bunko with the ladies of the neighborhood. I am looking forward to that. It should be a LOT of fun. I am not much of a Bunko player, but it's nice to sit and relax with other mothers.

Mason has been fussy off and on from the teething. The little white nubs are starting to show through more. Poor thing, there is NOTHING we can do to help him with the pain except cold stuff which he hates. He's slowed down on his growth too, I think maybe because of the teething. He has not been eating quite as much, although he's picking up on that again.

Derek is getting pretty close to being done with his business communications course. It's been a lot of work since he's had to write memos and papers every other day and he had a presentaiton a few days ago which had him stressed. I am guessing he will get an A though.

I guess I should go before my battery runs out even though I have more stuff on my mind. Maybe later.

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