Tuesday, July 26, 2005


We watched Constantine recently and it got Derek into a philosophical mood. His question was: Isn't smoking a form of suicide? (This coming from the ex-smoker). And if so, then smokers won't go to heaven, right? Which launched us into a whole religous discussion which was very interesting, given the circumstances. And of course, no answer to Derek's question, however it is food for thought.

Had another trip to the ER last night, for Derek. No ambulance though. He's having servere muscle spasms in his back and abdomen. The doc gave him Flexoril and Vicadin. He's going to be in bed for a while I think. And it screwed up my good intentions to get up at 5 am and work out. I was exhausted. Plus I had to take Mercedes to school.

Are we beginning to see a pattern here?

On a good note, he got A's in both of his classes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Crazy thing is that there really is no right or wrong, see even in the bible God gave human a concience, or better yet choices. For each choice we make, it can be looked at as wrong or right, depending on whom you are talking to. Now back in the times of the bible, they smoked herbs and hash, they even drank wine...Jesus even drank wine. So in today s standards the typical Baptist would tell you taht any drinking is wrong, but Catholics say its ok to drink but dont get drunk... so who is right, we'll never know. our friend Darrell