Friday, July 29, 2005

Who said they could grow up?

Alright, I refuse to accept anymore of this growing up. I don't know who gave my children, all four of them, permission to get older, but it must stop, NOW! I haven't had enough time with them at the age they are. Brittney is - GASP - a teenager. And Alexis, well, she's working on it. How did this happen? And how did Mercedes get to be so big without me stopping it? Mason, well, 15 lbs of cute, cuddly baby that is growing so fast that he's going to be a man before I know it. Sigh, I miss them being small. I revel in each new achievement, I applaud every step towards independence, really, I do, but I miss cuddling them and holding them when they are small.

On the good side, I don't have to change diapers when they get older!

1 comment:

Thumper said...

They tend to do that...grown up long before you're ready to stop parenting.

On the bright side, someday mebbe they'll be changing your diaper...