Saturday, July 02, 2005

It's too early

Why is my child a morning person? Yes, I know I am a morning person, but not when I stay up until 1:00 a.m. and am awake once or twice during the night. No, I want to sleep in on those days. Just until 10 or 11.

By the way, I am trying to keep the kids blogs updated every week too, so if you read about the family, you can get slightly biased news from their blogs. Alexis will be writing more in her own, though she is not thrilled about it.

Derek is working quite a bit on his presentation for his Business Communication class. His partner was here for several hours yesterday. And they are going to do it again tomorrow. I hope Derek remembers that tomorrow is Mason's dedication. I will be quite irritated with him if he forgets!

I need to finish getting the pictures ready to send and the letters written to go in them. I am just too easily distracted. I guess I will go do that as soon as I am done with this, which will be now!

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