Sunday, October 30, 2005

The Pain Ends - I Hope

I love them all, really, I do, but I can't take too many more months that are like the last two. It wears a body out.

We are now down to Alexis: choir (two morning a week), martial arts (two afternoons a week), guitar (one afternoon a week), and swimming lessons (Saturday morning. Mercedes: swimming lessons (Saturday morning), martial arts (two afternoons a week), and gymnastics (one evening a week). That menas most of our evenings will be free again. Yes, FREE!

Other than that, our life is pretty quiet. Derek is trying to finish out this term. e took a couple of tests this last week and I think he did well. He got an A on one of them, though with the grade from the last test, he's holding a B in that class I think. I will be very (VERY) happy when he;s done with thios school year.

Mom is now on oxygen at night and she says it is helping. I am happy. Anything that keeps her healthy makes me happy.

I have finished my paper for my class. All 15 pages of it. I have also finished the requisite presentation. Now all I have to do is give it. I am completely caught up on homework and have gotten all of the points available from them. I take the mid-term on Tuesday. I am hoping to get a good grade. I will hand the paper in on Tuesday as well and if there are any major issues I can fix them and give it back so I know I can get a good grade. I also get bonus points (in terms of softer grading criteria) for handing it in early. I'll take it!

Other than feeling very tired, not getting enough sleep, and being stressed, life is good. Halloween tomorrow should be fun, I know the kids are looking forward to eat. Expect pictures in the next few days. They are going to be so cute.

1 comment:

Thumper said...

Just think, in a few years you can add Mason's activitied to the list :) You might want to work on cloning yoruself NOW...