Sunday, October 23, 2005

Vegging on Sunday

Well. I have gotten absolutely nothing done today. Lovely. I have laundry to finish, floors to clean, and misc other stuff to take care of.

Mason is still coughing a bit, though overall he seems to be better. I think we are truly into the teething phase. He's been fussy quite a bit recently. You can feel his teeth ready to break through too. He's got his well-baby check-up in a few weeks. I expect him to be fairly healthy.

This next week is the last week of pain as far as our schedule goes. Mercedes last soccer game is Saturday. We are debating about whether she will play again in the spring. She pulled a stunt this last Tuesday that made me think that she isn't ready for organized sports. Swimming lessons end this week too. Then the girls have both of their swimming lessons on Saturday from now through December. Yea!

Both Mercedes and Alexis tested on Friday for their next belts. They should be getting them in a few weeks. They were so cute. Alexis also broke a board. Derek also broke a board and will be getting his next belt as well. I was upset that the camera stopped working before I could tape Alexis and Derek. I guess we will have to make sure it's working next time they test.

We are all ready for Halloween. The girls have everything they need for their costumes and are almost finished with their pinatas. Only a few more details and they will be complete.

Derek is finishing up his classes. He has about two weeks left. He's got some issues, so this next week is going to bepainful for those of us who live with him. Sigh! At least he has some time off between now and when he starts back to schoolo in January. I hope it helps. He makes life miserable for the rest of us when he gets stressed about class.

I have missed several of my classes now, but I am going to try to make them up. I am going to class three times this week. I have started my paper already so I hope to have that done soon. That way I can turn it in and possibly get feedback ahead of time. I really want to do well. I have the first test next week. I want to do well, but I am worried.

Overall, everyone is doing well. We are just waiting for things to slow down. We really need things to slow down. I canonly hope things will be calmer once we aren't gone every night.

1 comment:

Christina said...

Congrats to the girls! Patrick is going to start taekwondo next week at the Youth Center so we will see how that goes! Tell Alexis that Sami misses her very much!