Sunday, November 06, 2005


I thought it was over, but this last week was even busier than the previous 6 weeks had been. On Monday we had Halloween, which was not great with Mercedes feeling bad. On Tuesday we made up the class (martial arts) the girls missed on Monday, and ended up staying to watch Derek's class. On wednesday, it was Derek's birthday and he and I had an appt that went until after 5. After that we went out to eat for his birthday. By the way, he got a snow thrower/blower. On Thursday we had gymnastics, and after we got home we went to the store to find the stuff for ALexis dress. On Friday we had a birthday party to go to. On Saturday there were swimming lessons, hair cuts, and another birthday party. When we got home from the birthday party last night, Derek was needing help with his paper, so Mom and I were up with him working on his paper. I am completely beat, but Mason was up bright and early this morning, as usual.

As far as Derek's paper, well, we aren't sure the system let him submit it in time. Derek waited until the last minute and so it was not s good as it could have been. I ended up finishing it an hour and a half before it was due. I seriously hope the instructor still takes it.

Everyone seems to be sick right now. I am not sure if it is a cold or allergies or a combination of both. I know I am coming down with something, but I think it's becuase I am so exhausted and not getting enough rest. 'Cedes has been having coughing fits, and 'Lexi is starting to cough and is obviously feeling yucky. Mom is ok so far. I hope she stays that way, I really do not want her sick again anytime soon. Mason's cold is really an issue as he sounds terrible and coughs a lot.

I am doing ok with school and work. I just got a boatload of work piled on, but I am good with that. I like being busy. As far as school goes, I passed the test and I didn't have the lowest score, though it was close. I am wiating for guidance form the teacher as to how I did on the paper I handed in last week. He said he would be more flexible on the grading since I handed it in early, so I hope it's good. I should find out on Tuesday.

Mom leaves Tuesday morning, bright an early for her trip. I am glad she gets to go. She needs a vacation. I imagine she will have a great time gossiping with her friends and hanging out. I already sent her care and feeding instructions ahead, so they are ready for her. I will be on leave the entire time she is gone so I hope I can get caught up on things around the house. It looks absolutely awful. We really need to prioritize and get our life under control.

We made the decision this last week to visit family for Christmas. Boy, that's going to be a long trip. Between 3, 000 and 5,000 miles. I just hope there are no issues while we are visiting. I hate confrontation and turmoil.

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