Sunday, November 27, 2005


Whew, this has been a non-stop week. BUT, it's been a great week. The visit was really nice. Everyone had fun and we had family pictures taken. Everyone looked great.

Unfortunately, bothof the little ones have ear infections which leads to much coughing and unhappiness for everyone.They will both be seeing the doctor this next week.

Mason so has me trained. And Yes, I admit, he is spoiled. However, Daddy has to come to terms with him over the next few weeks. Mason seems to have lost some weight so right now I am more concerned about him getting back on track. Yes, I worry a lot.

Back to work tomorrow after way too much time off. I have a lot to do and a little time to do it in. I really should be more careful about what I say, becuase it has added imensely to my work load. However, it's nothing I can't handle.

Derek got all A's this last term, which is great. He was a little worried about one or two of his classes, but everything has worked out. I am hoping for an A, though there is no telling. A B is not a bad grade.

We got family pictures a few days ago so I am going to try to post them on yahoo. Just follow the links to your right.

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.

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