Sunday, December 04, 2005


It's been another busy week. Both kids had doctor's appointments. Mason is still on antibiotics, and Mercedes has a cold. On Friday night Mercedes was sick - all night long. Saturday was not a good day for Derek and I.

We (Mom, Derek, and I) went to see the Trans Siberian Orchestra this afternoon. Wow! They are powerful. I would happily go see them again. I definitely have to get some of their CDs. Their light show was pretty cool too, though it got a bit bright on occasion.

Work was a mess of meetings last week. This next week appears to be quieter. Tomorrow mightbe rough though. I have a morning meeting, but Alexis is sick, so I might have to take her to the doctor. We'll see how it goes. She said she was feeling better, but I am reserving jusdgement.

I am feeling fairly loopy, since I am still shot on sleep. I think I will be going to bed shortly so I can get up in the morning to go to work. I have been terrible about working out lately, but I am thinking that I might wait to really start back into a workout routine until the new year. Yes, I am putting it off, but the way things are right now, I don't have a lot of choice.

I am now an officially published author. I have an ISBN and everything. I love Thumper. I can even say snobby things like, "I need to call my publisher". Granted, it was a sympathy thing for her, or maybe the bribe of dark chocolate M&Ms was what did it. However, it makes me very happy. I have this illusion that someone someday might go into the Library of Congress and find my book. They would think it was so wonderful (stop laughing) that they would share it with the world and I would be declared the US Poet Laureate. I did say it was an illusion or perhaps a delusion, or maybe just a daydream. Anyways, I am published now.

O think I hate my bank. If it were not so much trouble to change my direct deposit, I would change to a local credit union where I would like the service better. "The Bank" has now screwed my account up again, becuase of their policies which do NOT benefit me as the customer at all. They double debitted me for a LARGE amount so now I have to wait until Monday to get it fixed. but in teh meantime I can not use my checkcard, so I am writing checks. But I am concerned they will keep my account screwed up so I will get bounced checks. Yes, they would do it and tell me it's my fault. Would I complain? Yes - long and loudly! Would it do any good? Probably not.

I am going to bed to cogitate on the perversity of the bank9ing system and the injustices of the universe.

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