Thursday, September 15, 2005


It's payday!!!! Unfortunately, most of my paycheck is already gone to bills. I had more spendable money as an airman than I do as a Captiain, sigh! I guess that happens when you support six people. I figure I will get to enjoy life more when I retire : )

Ahh, retirement, now there's a happy thought. Not just retiring from the military which is 10 years away, but complete retirement. Taking trips to sponge off of the kids, not setting an alarm every day, making sure I get plenty of fiber in my diet. All of the fun stuff.

Still no word on a deployment. The requirements and taskings are suppsoed to be loaded in the system soon, if they aren't already. We are suppsoed to be given 120 days notice of deployments so that means today for my cycle, however, I haven't heard or seen anything yet. I am giving it until October, mid-October at the latest. If I haven't heard anything by then, I will assume I am not going. I have no problem going, but not going is also nice.

I am going to try to save up money to pay off the jeep after the first of the year. The plan/thought is to pay off the jeep, save a little extra, then trade-in Derek's gasoline-sucking truck for a hybrid SUV that seats 7. The payments will be fairly high since Derek's truck has lost most of its value with the massive increase in gas prices, so the trade-in value is low. However, we can get tax breaks with the new vehicle, plus the saving in gas will be phenomonal. I can only imagine what else will be coming out in the next few years if they pass the law requiring higher MPG on all vehicles.

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