Saturday, June 04, 2005

What's Happening

Why is it that Mercedes catches every bug that comes along? She's been coughing and sneezing almost non-stop sine she got up this morning. Poor baby, she's miserable. And today is the last day of swimming lessons. I am not sure if she should go.

I finished another module in my online course. Every little bit helps. I need to get some more done today if I can. I think I can be done by the deadline, but I don't want to push it.

Derek starts finals on Monday. He's been working on the final final homework and studying for the tests so he's stressed. At least once he's taken the tests he will have a couple of days off. He intends to get some stuff done around the house. We'll see.

I really need to start working out. I have not done a very good job of that so far. I have 9 lbs left to go, but I need to get back into shape too. Derek got my bike in order last night, so I can start riding it.

It's supposed to get into the 80's today, but it looks overcast right now. It's been yucky the last 2 days already. a few nice, clear days would be good. That way the girls can play outside. Mason is not real big on being outside, but we try to spend as much as he will allow outside.

Guess I should go get Alexis up and decide if Mercedes can go to swimming lessons. I am still not sure, but she's not coughing as much. That is probably the cough medicine setting in.

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