Thursday, June 16, 2005

Nice Night

We had a nice annivesary. We went to El Rancho Grande which I still think is the best Mexican Food Restarant I have found here. Though the strawberry margaritas leave something to be desired (like real strawberries). After that we went to see Batman Begins. Yes, it was good. Being the confirmed Batman fan that I am, I was critical of some parts, but it was good. If nothing else, it was Batman. A local comic book store was giving away free copies of a BAtman comic, so I got one of those too. It was nice to sit through a movie without having to quiet a child, go potty, or threaten someone's life. The theater was completely full. And, for the first time in a long time, people applauded at the end of the movie. Liam Neeson as a bad guy - sigh - what is the world coming too. He's definitely a neat actor, so much character. I would say the movie is worth seeing.

I am almost done with my online course, yea! I am not starting another one until I go back to work. What was I thinking? It had to have been pregnancy hormones fogging my mind.

Mason seems to have suvived well without me. He was passed out when I got home. I missed him though. Especially when I got the tightening in my breasts telling me it was "lunchtime". Yep, he so has me trained.

I finished grocery shopping, finally, yesterday. Gee, and I get to do it again in a few weeks. I figured it out. A big chunk of our grocery bill is fluid. Milk, soda, water, juice. I figure I drink over 60 ounces of fluid a day. Alexis and Mercedes drink a lot, Derek is a soda fiend, and Mom doesn't do too bad, though not as good as she should.

I did 60 crunches this morning. Yea! And I am going to go play volleyball tomorrow for a work out and I am going to try to get on the thigh master today. I have an appt later, so I have to take a break from the online course, so the thigh master comes after that. I really need to finish this course today! But, hey, I did crunches. I just need to get into a routine. Once I do that I can get back into shape. And starting with crunches is one step closer.

One more module down, 5 to go.

Derek got his grades back. He's not very happy. He doesn't think he will make the Dean's list this term. One of the major reasons he is angry is because he knows two of the grades he got could have been better. Personally, I don't think two B's and an A are bad. He really wants to do well though, so only A's make him happy. With his current schedule, I think a passing grade would be good. Tests every day, papers to write every day. Ouch! I know he's frustrated and getting burnt out (I completely understand that feeling), but he's got to keep sloggin along. hopefully he will graduate in the spring or summer of 2007. That would give him time to look for and hopfully find a job before we leave which could help with the experience thing.

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