Monday, May 30, 2005

Memorial Day

I miss Grandpa, I really do. This time of year is particularly hard. I remember him asking me to drive him to the cemetary 5 years ago today so he could place flowers on the family members graves. And I can't be there to do that for him. I wish I could be there.

Everyone is home for the day and we have an extra in 'Lexi's friend who spent the night. I got up and made cinnamon rolls (Pillsbury Rocks), so they are happy. Now they are watching cartoons and hanging out in their PJs. Mason is sleeping with Daddy. He was up at 5:00 a.m. this morning, so I was up at 5:00 a.m. this morning. He wanted t0 sleep on my chest so I didn't get back to sleep. Yes, I am tired. Someone has to make sure the kids don't get into anything.

Today is the day that we are supposed to remember and memorialize the veterans past and present who protect us. It's nice that their is a resurgence of national pride these days, though sometimes it seems that it is waning again. Everyone seems to want to support the military, as long as they don't have to sacrifice anything personally. As long as it's not their husband/wife, son/daughter, then it's great, but as soon as it gets too close to home things change.

We went to see Star Wars, Episode 3, Return of the Sith ysterday. Wow. It was good. Mason was not thrilled with the noise, but I thought it was right in line with the orginal three Star Wars movies. It had the same feel to it, which Episode 1 did not. I refused to see Episode 2 after the disappointment of Episode 1.

I have determined that Mason does not like caffeine so I am once again laying off the caffenated beverages. Sigh! At least caffeine free Pepsi is good. And when I really want a cup of coffee, I can live with de-caf. Too bad there are not decaf cappuccino's. But then, that defeats their purpose, doesn't it.

For those of you who are fans of the kids, they are getting pictures next week (on Thursday). I figure one of each of them, one of all three, one of Mason and Mercedes, and the last two for Mason. That should cover everyone : )

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