Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Trying to catch up

So sorry for not keeping up better with this. The last 3 weeks have been so chaotc that I am not sure if I will ever catch up completely.

Mom went back into the hospital last Friday and will be there at least until Thrusday. They are going to replace her pacemaker with a defibrillator/pacemaker to better regulate her heart. She's petty much over the pneumonia, but they won't do the surgery if they have any doubts in that area.

I have finally gotten all of the birth announcements finished. They will be in the mail in the morning. Yea! I feel bad for not getting it done sooner, but the last few weeks have been so chaotic that I didn't even get the calls made I needed too. Sad. And I do feel bad, but I can only do so much, especially on a few hours of sleep.

Derek is off to Austin on Fridaytosee his brother graduate. I wish we could all go, but it's just one of those things. Life happens and you have to be flexible. I'm tired of being flexible!

I need to go. Mason wants my attention.

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