Monday, May 23, 2005


Life finally seems to have stabilized a little bit. I am still irritable from lack of sleep, hormones and too much stress, but I am either getting used to it, or it is starting to lessen. However, I think I am going to take Alexis and Mercedes to a matinee and our for ice cream to apologize for being short-tempered.

Mason is doing well, though having some issues w/ gas. That's not fun for any of us. He's still growing though, and I am producing milk like a fiend, though not as much as I did with Mercedes. I might not be up to full capacity yet : )

I have almost caught up with laundry and dishes. I have also gotten some cleaning done, though I have a ways to go. I did get my bedroom back into order though, which is nice. Now I just beed to finish cleaning the living room, dining room, and kitchen, complete the laundry and dishes, and start on the toilets. Gee, maybe by next month I will be done : )

I have now lost all but 11 lbs of the baby weight. I need to start my work out program, though until Derek gets home I think I will wait. It would be nice to have someone else to help me out so I don't completely wear myself out. I have been doing tummy exercises to try and tone that back up though that is easier said that done. It will take some work. I am not sure my hips will ever go back to the way they were, though I think I can live with that.

I suppose I should enter in the appts I made for everyone this morning. There are a lot of them : ) I love electronic calendars.

You know, with everything going on, I really have put myself on the back burner. Today is my birthday. Hard to believe I am now 32. Oh well, Maybe I will celbrate with a nap.

1 comment:

Thumper said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Well, it's belated by now, but still... When Derek gets back he owes you dinner out and a CAKE!