Sunday, May 01, 2005

Been Busy

Just curious, but if you read this, could you reply? I just want to know if it's keeping family and friends informed (I know about Christie and Thumper and love you both for the comments).

I have been busy since the last blog entry. I started laundry yesterday, went grocery shopping (Commissary NIGHTMARE), did dishes, and wrote all of the thank you's and Mother's Day cards. I did a few misc things in between too. And still no Mason.

Caroline and Michelle came by last evening to let me know that Kye (sp, Michelle's son) had the chicken pox and Alexis had been playing with him. I called Labor and Delivery and was told not to worry. What is it gonna take? We are also hoping no one else in the family comes down with the chicken pox. Mercedes has had the vaccine but that is not fullproof. The rest of us have had chicken pox, but that does not ensure we won't get it again. That would be really uncomfrotable at our ages, except for Alexis.

Speaking of grocery shopping, today I need to go to Sam's. Oh joy. After the rudeness of the people yesterday, I don't even want to think about Sam's. A little common courtesy would go a long ways, people! Yes, Karen, I know how you feel about the commissary, but it was not just the retirees. I will say going int he morning is nice since the shelves are fully stocked at that time. What a lovely change!

BTW, if you are interested in seeing the part of my graduation ceremony where I actually get handed a SIGNED diploma, here is the website: I am a ways into the video but that fat chick is really me. Gotta love the maternity tent.


Mike said...

Hang in there. Having helped lots of ladies with epidurals over the years I have learned that babies come in their own sweet time. Make sure you get a good epidural on the big day.

Thumper said...

Or get the epidural now and save some time ;)

Kansas Cowgirl said...

I am all for an epidural. Of course, at this point, I am all for a cesarean, but I don't see that happening.

BTW, Mike, where are you when I need you? Or even Brian and Kerry?

We (the neighborhood) really do miss you both!