Thursday, February 17, 2005


Ok, why is it that when you really need sleep, someone (or something - like a cat on the wrong side of a door) won't let you sleep?

Anyways, Derek was up half the night studying for his accounting test. He still isn't done. Mercedes spent half of the night fussing and keeping us up, so we aren't at the top of our game.

Mom has to go to the doctor for a fasting diabetes test, hopefully that will turn out ok. The whole fasting thing is a pain when the lab doesn't open until after 0900.

I have to go to school and work on my thesis. I have to defend tomorrow, but hopefully after that things will calm down. I also have two books I need to read this weekend since I didn't keep up with the readings last week while working on my thesis. Thank God graduation is in a month. I'm not sure if I could do this another term.

As far as we know, Alexis will be moving in on March 2nd. That should add an interesting dimension to an already nutty house. Mercedes is looking forward to it though. She won't stop asking me when Alexis is going to be here. Maybe I shouldn't have told her.

As for the cat on the wrong side of the door, she is alive only because I could not catch her.

I have an OB appt today, so we should get to hear Mason playing. I think everyting is ok since he was awake earlier. I still like the confirmation though.

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