Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Way too much going on

Now we aren't going to Italy. The base can't support us based on Derek's medical needs, so now they (the assignments people) are scrambling to find a replacement for me and a new assignment for us somewhere in the states. No telling where we will end up. I gave them a list of bases, but there is no telling what will happen. I just hope it's some place we can live with. Derek is really NOT happy about the whole situation. I can't really blame him, but I am hoping we can work everything out.

Everyone is doing well right now. Mercedes likes school. Mason and Micah are healthy. Alexis is doing well, and Derek is through with school. I am still on convalescent leave, though I am going to try to go back to work part-time. I need to get back into the routine. I haven't worked much since April and it's going to be really hard to get used to work again, though I am still spending a lot of time there. I go in to check e-mail and stuff.

And that's about it for us. Once I know where we are going, I will make sure to tell everyone. In the meantime, sigh, I am waiting, again.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Lisa--I'm sorry you guys aren't going to Italy. I know how much you were looking forward to it. I hope you're happy and enjoy the base you do end up at. We are leaving Cannon as soon as my boys get out of school. My husband (Jim) will find out what base we're going to w/in the next month or so. I'll let you know where and when we leave as soon as I know. Take care.