Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Still too busy for words

I took a one of my fainals last week. It wasn't due until this week, but this week, I have a mid-term and a paper due, so I didn't want to stress myself. I think I have a decent chance of getting an A, though, it's all subjective. I hope to take care of the test today so I have the rest of this week to work on the paper.

I am going to try to go to the doctor today as I seemed to have developed a UTI. It's really not a good time for this, but hey, at least I am trying to take care of it. I figure I will be on antibiotics for ten days and it will go away. I am hoping to avoid another bad kidney infection like I had in 2003.

I have slacked off working out a bit this past week. I am trying to gert back into it a bit more. This morning was supposed to be a gym morning, but my partners didn't show up. I don't think I will be going back to that class. In the meantime, I can use those days to do practice fitness tests. This morning I did the pushups (not so good) and crunches portion. I can do the crunches no problem, but 30 pushups is going to be hard, so I need to work on that. I think I can get the mile and a half in 18 minutes, though it might just kill me. I need to work on that!

Derek goes to the doctor tomorrow to get the paperwork signed off for the PCS. Such a hassle. They want to make sure they can provide treatment for himthough. Too bad they don't do this earlier. The assignment selection date was back in April. If they would have given us a little heads up, we could have had all of this done rather than scrambling at the last minute. Ok it's not really the last minute but it feels like it.

Derek is almost done with his school stuff. He's taking a mid-term in one class this week, and the other class he's doing a project. It doesn't look like there will be any problems with him graduating, though you never know what will come up between now and then.

The kids are all doing well. Alexis is excited about her birthday this weekend. She's going to have a couple of her friends sleepover, so that ought to be fun. She's also working hard to test for her next belt in August. She wants to leave here as a brown belt.

Cedes is having issues with talking back and fighting her bedtime. Other than that she's fine. Her leg seem to have healed up, and she not had any other health issues. She's having alot of fun at school since they are going on field trips almost every day and she gets to take her lunch on Mondays.

Mason's continuing to develop his vocabulary though we don't always understand him. He's a little character, that's for sure. He's still Mommy's boy though.

Micah is doing well, though we think he's getting ready to cut teeth. That will be fun for everyone. He's going to daycare on a regular basis and that seems to be working out well also. He doesn't cry unless they wait too long to feed him, so he's a good baby. Speaking of crying I can hear him now, so I better go.

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