Monday, May 28, 2007

Boo is almost five weeks old. Can you believe that? I sure can't. He's put on weight so he's doing well. He is sleeping better for us too. He has longer periods between feedings, and he is more willing to sleep in the bassinet for more than 20 minutes, so that's good. I'm feeling more coherent, though still not fully ready to function in the adult world.

Derek is coming up on finals in the next week or so. He's not ready, but he never is. Right now, we just want for him to pass. He's so close to graduating that the grades, as long as they are passing, are not important. Just getting done is the big thing.

Cedes came home with head lice, AGAIN. Sigh. I am now feeling like I am itching my head constantly. I think that's mostly a psychological reaction. Still, it sucks. We are treating Cedes again and will treat her again next week. We REALLY want to be done with this.

Alexis finishes up school this week. For now they are pretty much cleaning up and closing things out. She's looking forward to being done with school, though I am not sure we are ready for it.

Mason is still doing well. I think he's getting taller, though he's not putting on any weight. I guess he's just going to take after Daddy. As long as he's healthy, which he seems to be, I am not worried. I would like him to eat a bit better, but I can't force that. He's definitely being rebellious and going through the terrible twos. Sigh! Patience is not something Derek or I are known for.

We are now down to one dog. Rufus went to his new owners on Saturday. I think he will be happy. He was a good dog, we just aren't a good family right now. We are always on the go and never have enough time for ourselves, let alone the dogs. Jack is old and not interested in playing a whole lot, but Rufus and Precious were full of energy, so I am glad we found them new people to love them. At least we think we did.

Still no assignment news, but I don't really expect anything for a while. I was hoping for something, but I really can't expect anything for a while. I really hope we get something decent though.

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