Tuesday, May 06, 2008


A few things I have going through my mind. To start with, I have begun teaching - officially. This is what I want to do with my life (I think) when I grow up (get out of the military). After one week, I am not completely fed up with it, though last week was a little more painful than I was ready for. The amount of assignments and number of students was a bit overwhelming for me, but I think I am getting into the groove, though I think the family suffered a bit last week.
It is interesting to be on this side of the desk (so to speak). The students are all in the equiv of their second year of college and are all ages and backgrounds. Many of them come to the class with deeply ingrained thoughts and ideas, while others are more open to different things. It is an interesting mix to say the least. I think that I have a certain amoutn of knwoledge, insight, and experience to offer them. I am trying not to let my military training come out too much. I know the military management training is based on industry standards, but I think a lot of people have the misperception that military trainers are more harsh, disciplined, har-a$$, etc. That really isn't the case. What we do have (and this is soemthing I appreciate) is codified rules of conduct which we can enforce upon our people. We are taught that you need to know what is going on with your people so you can manage them better. No, I don't need to knwo that Sally Jo likes to have sex with dogs, but I do need to know if she's contracted an illness that could affect her work performance. But, back to the subject at hand, I think I will get a lot out of this class. It is interesting to see the divergent thinking of the students and hear their thoughts and opinions.

One of the other thoughts that is rattling around in my noggin is about Derek. Now that he's officially working, he's not happy, though he is. No, I am not deliberately being obtuse! On one hand, he's more confident and happy with himself because he now how a job and is earning his own money. He's not JUST a house husband! I guess it never seemed like a big deal to me that he wasn't working, but I am coming to find out that it REALLY bothered him. The down side for him is that he is missing out on things that the kids are involved in and that REALLY bothers him. He LOVES being an involved Dad. He wants to go to every single practice and game and he wants to be there on the bench next to the kids. It's breaking his heart that he can't be there for Cedes games. Unfortunately, I have been through a lot of this and came to terms with it years ago. I do everything I can to be involved but I cna't always due to work and I accept that.

Some good news is that it looks like I will be a Major in July. I am going to ask the family to try to come and if I can, I will buy Dad a ticket, though I don't know that he will use it. I have been asking everyone I know, but the economy is killing the travel chances for most people. I expect this will be my last promotion so I guess I am just being a Diva. I know it's hard on everyone, because it's har don us. Sigh!

The crazy cat that had kittens in my Jeep moved back in with ALL five of them. They have their eyes open now and are cute as can be. Since I am driving the Jepp and the people who SHOULD have been responsible for them won't do their job, we moved them to the garage with the thought that we will find them all homes when they are old enough. No, we are not going to keep any. I know the kdis would love too, but we have enough craziness in our lives. Plus we are going to add in martial arts for Alexis and dance for Mercedes, while BD starts basketball (again). Mason is also getting to the age where we need to find something for him so I will start looking into that.

1 comment:

Thumper said...

Ummm...I think you DO want to know if Sally Jo is doing the nasty with dogs. I'd kinda think that one would be out of the military... ;)