Wednesday, March 26, 2008

A week in the life of...

Wow! I never would have imagined how busy my life could get, but it is definitely busy! Between work, school, and family, I am always on the go.

I am not breastfeeding anymore so that kind of relieves me of one time sink, but I also miss it. Unfortunately, I started drying up recently and I decided to go ahead and stop fighting it. I don't think Boo really misses it, and I was able to keep it up for 11 months so I think I did pretty good.

Derek is still job hunting, but not having much luck. Sadly, he's not getting a lot of job interviews and when he does he's not getting the jobs. It's frustrating because there is nothing I can do to help him.

The kids are keeping us busy with their school and sports stuff. It seems like there are always things that have to be done or that we need to go do. I think that's just part of having kids though.

I will start teaching @ the end of April for the online school I was hired on with. I am a bit nervous but I think it will work out. I will have to manage the workload before I go to work and after I get home for short periods, but I think that is doable. I guess we will see. The first class is a mentorship, so I will having someone helping me along the way which is GREAT!

I will also begin my volunteer work next month. I will have one on-call weekend. That also makes me a bit nervous, but I think once I become more familiar with the expectations I will be fine. I was asked to be the alternate for the lady who handles the whole program, but I had to tell her no. I have WAY too many things going on to do a good job of that.

I took my Comprehensive Final for my Security Management Master's. How did I do? Well, I think I did alright. I don't know that I will pass with Honors, but I think I will pass, at least that's what I hope. I won't know for a week or two. That's the worst part, waiting. The test was comprised of four essay questions that I had to handwrite the answers too. It was set up to be taken online, but I wasn't able too because the place I was taking it did not have a computer for me to use. I ended up with writer's cramp because I ended writing 15 pages. Actually 17 becuase I threw two out. I did that in 3 hours too. I had 6 1/2 hours, so I probably should have used the extra time to script my answers and THEN write them. Oh well, hind sight is 20/20.

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