Thursday, March 13, 2008

Keeping it interesting

You know how I like to keep busy, so this week I am taking the 40 hours of training required to be a Victim's Advocate for the Sexual Assault Response Coordinator on base. I have done some research on my own so I have heard a lot of these statistics before, but they are still striking, especially when you put them into context. 1 of 4 women have been a victim of some for of sexual assault. 1 in 6-10 men have. Almost all sexual assaults are perpetrated by someone the victim KNOWS! Of these, the majority (80-90%) involve alcohol (or drugs). Have I shocked you enough? One more thing to add, the group that is attacked the most is from 14-23! Do you know anyone in the age group? I do! I have two that live with me! I am NOT a crazy mother, I have seen and heard too much about what can happen. I know that life is not always easy or safe and that people do bad things.

I do NOT believe that a woman/girl EVER asks for it!
I do NOT believe that there is EVER justification for NOT stopping.
I do NOT believe a woman is being coy or a tease when she changes her mind!

And I could go on. Sadly, I knew all of these things before and they have hit me just as hard in the past, but I have gotten caught up in life and not always put the importance on this that it needs.

I am looking forward to this opportunity to help people and hopefully get them through something that they didn't ask for. I can only guess how difficult it will be for them to pick up their life and go on after the trauma.

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