Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Profound thoughts

I don't have them!

Seriously, I talked about the presidential race recently and I am finding myself liking the Democratic candidates less and less over time. It's not even about their stances, it's about the nasty sniping and high school backstabbing.

Granted, things got nasty between McCain and Bush several years ago, and then Bush and Kerry which really made me NOT want to vote AT ALL, but I did, and I will vote this year. I will not vote along party lines (I don't belong to one) or becuase one candidate strikes me as more attractive, though I think that will play into it since it's a proven fact that we choose leaders and people who we see as important based at least in part on their attractiveness, either physically or beliefs.

That being said, I currently liek McCain and think he's going to live to be 100.

The family is fine. Derek STILL hasn't found a job which is REALLY stressing us out, but he's still trying. I am TRYING (though not successfully) to not push, but I am feeling very overburdened. I have no self-control, I guess.

I am still BUSY! I take the comprehensive final for Security Management Master's next week. I am working on the ACSC Master's, I am taking of Flight COmmand in May, I start teaching, probably in April, and the bills seem to keep going up. I know I missed something, but I am not sure what. I expect I will start doing on-call duty for Victim's advocate next month so that will be neat. One coolo thing is that the person in charge of advocates asked if I would be willing to do a monologue at a conference she is putting together. I guess I really impressed her with my acting abilities. It's been a while, but it still gets me wound up and I am glad I can make a difference.

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