Monday, June 11, 2007


I did it! I got my lazy butt out of bed (after hitting the snooze twice) and went downstairs and worked out! I am trying a fat burbibg walking thing I got out of good housekeepng. Wish me luck! Tomorrrow, I am going to an abs and glutes class, so I'm hoping to have a well-rounded workout regime. I must be abe to run in 4 1/2 more months. It's not really even about the weight.

Mercedes seems to be going through another growing spurt. I am hoping to get through the summer without having to buy her a lot of clothes.

We got family (just the 5 of us) pictures yesterday. I figured since Alexis was getting family pictures with Michelle and Brittney, she would not mind us getting one with the five of us. I still feel a little guilty, because Alexis is a part of our family, but if she leaves and it goes back to the five of us, I want to be able to show us.

I go back to work on Friday. Yea? I think it will be ok, I don't know that I have a whole lot to do, but you never know. Still waiting to find out where we are going. From experience, when they say they are giving you orders, they generally give you orders, so I am fairly sure we aren't staying. It's just a matter of getting the opfficial notice. For all I know, they have chosen where I am going, they just haven't loaded it into the system.

Derek started his last (we hope) term today. Hard to believe, isn't it? He's kind of excited, though a bit worried too. He's going to try to get an internship so he can get some job experience before we leave. I don't think that's a bad idea. We'll see what happens though.

Friday is Derek and I's 12th wedding anniversary. Hard to beleive we have made it this far. Neither one of us are the easiest people to live with.

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