Sunday, June 24, 2007

Got an assignment

Italy! Yes, I said Italy, ad in overseas. Shocked is the only way I can put it. We were not expecting to go overseas at all. We are going to make the best out of it though. We will try to travel some and make memories for everyone. The kids wil get to do a lot of things they would not experience here. We have already found a martial arts center for them, though it's a different style, and the school has band, so Alexis can continue with that. We are most concerned about housing, cars, and Jack. A lot of places do not allow big dogs, plus we have four kids. I am going to try to take out a loan to cover things for us, but there is no telling if it will work out. We are a bit scared.

In other news, I got a 95% on my paper that I turned in last week. I think the teacher was imbibing in alcoholic beverages when he was reading it becuase I thought I was pretty incoherent. I have a final and a mid-term to tke this week, so wish me luck.

All of the kids are healthy this week. Small miracles. We are also through with softball, THANK GOD! It wasn't the kids so much as the parents, though the girls could have issues too. The season was not great for us, but losing can teach a lt more than winning, though it's not as much fun. I'm hoping to keep Alexis in softball next year, though I have to see what they have available.

Alexis is not pleased about the upcoming move, and I can't really blame her, but I am hoping that at some point in the not too distant future she will be happy about it. I know it's a HUGE change, and Alexis dos not care for change usually.

We are also going to try to get the girls on a bowling team. We were going to do that here, but I don't think it's going to work out. My date to leave by is late October. I don't think they will let me extend out to December like I want, so I am probably going to leave the first of September to get the kids inschool there as soon as I can.

I am going to be a FLight CC, which is not as important as it sounds to non-Air Force people. I am curious though about how long I willstay with the job and what else I will do while I am there. I am afriad I will end up as an exec again. It's going to be busy enough as it is. At least I am using the bulk of my leave now, rather than waiting.

I am hoping to pay off bills while there as well. Wouldn't that be nice? There are a lot of credit things I can't use, so that's good. I think we can do it.

It also looks as if Derek will not be able to work while we are there, so he will be a stay-at-home Dad again. I am going to try to put Mason into daycare, at least part-time just to help him out. He needs the routine, and he would drive Derek bonkers.

Derek should be graduated before we go, so that's good. So far, the classes he's got have not seemed overwhelming. I think he will get passing grades and be done, which will be a relief for all of us. I know he's more than ready to be done.

I am going to have to finish up after we leave, which kind of sucks! I only have 3 more classes to go, but I can't add any more on right now. I am already struggling with 3 classes. I have two more papers due as well, so I don't want to add to my stress. It makes it a bit more interesting for me though. I fully intend to finish this degree.

In addition, I won't find out (here) about Major, which kind of bums me out. I really (REALLY) hope I make it. I don't know what we will do if I don't. Probably ride out what time Ihave left to me, the move to TExas. I would pay off as much as I could before coming back too.

ENough about us. I guess this means family and friends will have to use our blogs though.

Monday, June 18, 2007

another weekend gone

We celebrated our 12th anniversary on Friday, though we actually went out on Saturday. The restaraunt we chose was MUCH more expensive than we thought, but the food was good and it was a nice atmosphere.

Sunday I made Derek breakfast and we went bowling after we ALL took naps. That was nice. Mason has been sick with what looks like an ear infection but the Drs are saying its viral. Poor little guy, he has been miserable. We were fighting fevers for a while, but there has also been a LOT of pain and drainage. The drainage actually has his ear clogged so bad we can't use the drops the drs gave us. Add to that the fussiness, and we have not been having a lot of fun.

I started working out last week on Monday. I went to the gym on Tuesday and Thursday for an Abs and gluts class which KICKED MY BUTT, but I think it will be worth it longterm. On the other days, I have a fat burning walking routine I am trying. It's a four week program, so I will have to let you know in four weeks : ) Wish me luck! The amazing thing is that I got up again this morning to do the workout, for me that's huge!

I had a paper due last week, thankfully I finished it, so now I am hoping to get a PASSING grade on it. This week I have a couple of things to accomplish as well, but I am not stressed.

Derek is on his last set of classes and so far so good. He passed all of his last classes (B's and a C). That relieved a lot of stress. He was afriad he might have failed one. He's thinking of trying for an internship after graduation, which would probably be good. Right now his focusing is graduating, though.

Once he graduates, he's going to go house hunting for us since I should know where we are going by then. At least that's my hope : ) I'm almost afraid we won't get orders since we have all begun preparing ourselves to leave.

Work on Friday was really busy. I had a lot of little things to handle, plus I was trying to finish that (^%#$)^ paper. I guess that's how it's going to be. Working one day I will have to get all of the nit noid things done that need to be accomplished.

Softball is almost over. Thankfully! It will be nice to have things a bit less hectic. Thursday is the last night. It did remind me of how much I miss softball. I think I will make a point of playing next year! It will also be good exercise! I think I am sick, thinking of how much exercise I can get from things.

I am getting ready to go grocery shopping. It will just be Micah and I, I think. Derek has something to do for school, so he's going to take off. that's ok. Boo and I can go on our own! We don't need anyone else : )

Speaking of Boo, he's about 12 lbs now. Growing like a weed. Mercedes has been growing again too. She has been on a growth streak since around November, at least that's how it feels. Mason is not growing a lot, but he's put on a LITTLE weight and height.

Derek tested for his next belt on Friday. As far as we know he made it, so that's good. He's a little bummed that he got so far behind becuase of his knee. He's also been trying to do my walking workout, though he's not been doing so well.

Monday, June 11, 2007


I did it! I got my lazy butt out of bed (after hitting the snooze twice) and went downstairs and worked out! I am trying a fat burbibg walking thing I got out of good housekeepng. Wish me luck! Tomorrrow, I am going to an abs and glutes class, so I'm hoping to have a well-rounded workout regime. I must be abe to run in 4 1/2 more months. It's not really even about the weight.

Mercedes seems to be going through another growing spurt. I am hoping to get through the summer without having to buy her a lot of clothes.

We got family (just the 5 of us) pictures yesterday. I figured since Alexis was getting family pictures with Michelle and Brittney, she would not mind us getting one with the five of us. I still feel a little guilty, because Alexis is a part of our family, but if she leaves and it goes back to the five of us, I want to be able to show us.

I go back to work on Friday. Yea? I think it will be ok, I don't know that I have a whole lot to do, but you never know. Still waiting to find out where we are going. From experience, when they say they are giving you orders, they generally give you orders, so I am fairly sure we aren't staying. It's just a matter of getting the opfficial notice. For all I know, they have chosen where I am going, they just haven't loaded it into the system.

Derek started his last (we hope) term today. Hard to believe, isn't it? He's kind of excited, though a bit worried too. He's going to try to get an internship so he can get some job experience before we leave. I don't think that's a bad idea. We'll see what happens though.

Friday is Derek and I's 12th wedding anniversary. Hard to beleive we have made it this far. Neither one of us are the easiest people to live with.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Jack's Back!

And I am not talking about the movie with Jack Nicholson!

Someone founf him and through the animal shelter he was brought back to us. We are thrilled, Jack is spoiled, life is good!

Saturday, June 02, 2007

It happens

First, I had a paper due this week for one of my college classes and I hadn't realized it, so I was up until 2 or so last night writing it. I got a C+ which is not good for a Master's level paper. But I got the paper done, so that's good. I need to do better though. I have two more papers I need to write, so I need to get off my butt and do those now, vs later. Still, I am doing better than Derek about not waiting until the last minute. Yea me!

Next, I read Karen's blog about her friend and euthanaisa. It brought back memories. Mom had a do not resucitate order on file and she had made her feelings about being on long-term life support clear. So, it was not assisted suicide, it was making a life or death decision for her. And yes, it still hurts, and I still have guilt, and sometimes, I question myself, even though I KNOW it was the right decision. And you know what, I miss her! Almost every day I think of her and what she would have said or how she would have reacted. Having Micah without Mom was really hard. She loved the Grandkids! And while she was living with us she went to a lot of their things that she had to miss while Michelle and I were growing up. I know she enjoyed that.

Lastly, we made the decision to find homes for the two small dogs, and that went well. Rufus went to his new owners last weekend. So, we had Jack. Jack, who we got as a puppy in 1997. Jack who the doctors told us was going to prone to sickness and have a shortened lifespan. Jack who had become a GREAT dog. Jack ran away on Thursday and we have not found him yet. We are all sad and upset over that. We keep looking for him and hoping. . . , but we don't think he's going to come back. Before when he got out we found him within hours, it's been days. Jack is an old dog and entirely too friendly. He's never lived outside on his own. We can only hope some nice person has found him and taken him in. He's a lovable guy and so sweet, so I can only imagine that's the case. In the meantime, we are berating ourselves for not finding a vet to microchip him, and not transferring his tags to his new collar right away. We are human and took it for granted he would always be there, but we failed him by not taking those preventative measures. For now, there will be no more dogs. We will discuss the possibility of getting another dog AFTER we move, but that's months in the future. In the meantime, I pray Jack comes back.

Derek has now scheduled his surgery for the end of June. He's not completely happy about it, but I think he is resigned. He just doesn't want the doctor to slip. Men are so sensitive about these things. Him getting fixed can't be worse than me having a baby. I mean, C'mon.