Sunday, April 29, 2007


Well, after 9 months, he's here. The last regular appt (which I whined about last week in this blog) showed my blood pressure going up. So, the doctor ran MORE tests. Basically, I went through the weekend with the same symptoms. I went to work on Monday and as the morning wore on my headache got worse. The Tylenol I took kept it from getting out of control, but it did not reduce it. I went in to have a blood pressure check around 1330, and from there started the journey towards Labor and Delivery. They admitted me that afternoon and put in a Foley Bulb (no, I will not explain that!). I spent the night waiting. Tuesday morning they started the Pitocin. I developed another headache that would not quit so they gave me Nubain (good stuff). I was dilated to 3 by noon, and the epidural went in. It was what they call a wet tap, so I got an instant migraine which subsided once I laid down. I am glad this is the last baby! I was progressing slowly, so one of my coaches went to get the little people. While she was gone, I went from 6 to 8. By the 1630 I was feeling urges to push off and on, around 1645, I told the nurse I needed to push and Micah was born about 15 minutes after it all started. I vomitted several times which they said really helped, though I would not recommend it as a way to push the baby out. There was a minor tear, but nothing too bad. In fact, aside from some incontinence (enough said), the labor and delivery are not bothering me at all. However, the tying of the tubes on Thursday is painful! I am getting past it as well though.

I have dropped about 20 lbs and need to drop another 10-15 before I am back to pre-pregnancy weight. I am breastfeeding which will help. It just doesn't go as fast as I would like.

Micah is doing well. I am going to start his blog as well to share how he is doing. Pictures will be put up soon, just have to get them developed or downloaded.

Derek is now catching up on school and I have a final to take this week (tomorrow). I also have several things I HAVE to do tomorrow. Like drop off convalescent leave paperwork and get a laptop to work from home. Oh the joy.

Overall, though, we are doing well. Thinking of going for a walk shortly. Weather is gorgeous.

1 comment:

Mike said...

Congrats!!! Glad to hear that you and Micah are doing well.