Saturday, April 14, 2007

For the week

I am still pregnant. I amnow in week 37 though, so anytime now. Micah is definitely getting ready to join us. I am having more serious contractions and he has dropped so I can feel it coming. I would prefer sooner rather than later, but not my call. I am staying active, so that's good.

I have not been able to register for August classes and as things stand now it doesn't sound like I will. Something about taking classes that cross over semesters when on financial aid. Kind of a pin, but I think I can make up for it. I still think I will be able to graduate in December, though it might be a bit painful. As for the one class I am in right now. I just turned in the paper, but have not gotten a grade back yet, hoping in the next few days. THen I take the final and I'm done. I expect a B. I have had some issues with the quizes which are hurting my grade.

I was requested (by-name) for a job at Ft Belvoir, but the assignments guy for my career field said no. It seems that someone else was sending my name out wihtout getting authorization first. After a heart-to-heart with my assignment God, I have completely changed my preferences, etc, so that they sound better to the powers that be. However, it means putting an assignment as an instructor on hold for now.It's npt really what I want but I have too many years left (if I make Major this year) to not do what they recommend. If I am there for four years, which is a strong possibility, I will then ask for Texas to finish out my career. I do not think I am going to go much past Major in terms of career, just becuase my mouth tends to run-on, and I am not able to keep it shut when I should. I understand it's a huge shortcoming in myself, but I never have been able to stop it, though I often bitterly regret the consequences.

The allergy season has hit our house again. Mason and Alexis are doing fairly well, But Derek, Mercedes and I are defeinitely having problems. Mercedes doctor has put her on Zyrtec to try and help control it. He's concerned that we might need to take out her tonsils since all the drainage has them very swollen and inflamed. She also has to get her eyes checked, but we new that would happen sooner or later. Both Derek and I require glasses, so we expected the kids to need them at some point. Derek is fairly miserable with his allergies as am I. I am living on Sudafed, which does help, though I can't take it all of the time. Between the three of us, we go through a LOT of Kleenex. Maybe we should invest in stock :)

Softball starts next week. I am an asst coach for Alexis team, which I hope works out.I think the mix of kids will work out well, though there is no telling. I think Alexis is not going to be the worst, but she won't be the best. I just want her to try, though if I say it it can't POSSIBLY be right. Yep, she's a teenager. She's just at that point.

Work has been pretty low-key. I am trying to not get overwhelmed, and so far am doing ok. I have three or four different issues that I have been working, but they are all in someone else's hands right now. I have done my part. I am now thinking long-term on how to pass the projects off wihtout dropping them on someone. My replacment is in place now, so I think we can make it work.

The weather has been normal Ohio this past week. It started raining today, but the two previous days were sunny and fairly nice, though a little chilly. I will be glad to get past this part of the year. Summer's are much nicer.

Mason's life insurance came in this week, so he's no fully insured. I don't expect to need it for a while, but this way, he's covered, and we can buy more along the way to set him up as an adult. We have been doing the same for all three girls. We are also putting money into their college funds, though it's not going to be enough to pay for their WHOLE college. Sigh! We are also trying to fund our own retirement, so there are a lot of issues to deal with.

We got Mason a potty, but he's not really wanting to use it yet. He's more interested in flushing becuase it makes noise. At least he's introduced to it. Potty training is not one of those fun things : )

I need to go fix dinner. Sigh! A mother's work is never done. . . .

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