Thursday, September 29, 2005


As always, we are busy. We are getting better though. And after October, life will be much quieter for everyone.
Alexis came home with her first report from school. She did well n everything and has no bad remarks. That was great to hear. She said she's been having some trouble remembering to bring home all of her homework, but hopefully we will be able to work that out. She was very upset about that last night. We have parent-teacher conferences coming up so I will ask then what the specific guidelines are from the teacher. Alexis also said that some of the kids are stealing form each other. The classes rotate and so the other classes are taking things from desks that aren't theirs. I guess we get to discuss that with the teacher too. It's not fair that she has to worry about her stuff being stolen. School is hard enough without worrying about things like that.
Both Alexis and Mercedes are doing well in martial arts. They have both gotten tapes this week, and Alexis, at least, will be testing for her next belt in October, I think. Derek is not fairing quite so well, though he is sticking with it. We are going to watch the black belts test for their next level next weekend, so that ought to give everyone an idea of how much work they have to do to progress.
The weather turned cold last night. It actually felt like Fall. However, any convertible-driving, California-living, diet-caffeine-free Mt Dew drinking people I know DO NOT need to remind me of how nice the weather is in California. Just remember, I heard your complaints of heat this summer and actually felt sorry for you. Oh, and by the way, be nice or I will buy the flamingo hat I found and send it to Max to put on you while you sleep. He will, I know he will. He would probably be happy to take pictures and post them on your blog too since you do it to him.
The sunrise this morning was absolutely spectacular. I am one of those strange people who is enamored with the sunrises and sunset, so I take note. This one was truly gorgeous, more so than the one I saw a few weeks ago. The sun coming up in the east was a brilliant yellowish-orange with shades of color fading to pink and blue. There were big puffy clouds littering the sky and reflecting some of the light as well. The sun, though, truly it was a sight to see. It was not at all dull, but very bright and vibrant. It was causing metal buildings to glow with the orange light. You don't see the sunrise like that very often. Of course, you have to be awake and outside to see it at all, and I know most people, if awake, have their nose deep in a cup of coffee trying to wake up.
Mom and I went to lunch today with Mason. There was an office function and with Mom watching Mason, I decided to give her a break and bring her along. We went to Longhorn Steakhouse which is not a cheap place for lunch, though it was good. Mason had a ball, there were many women to flirt with and cuddle, so he was thrilled. Mom enjoyed getting out and being with other adults. Some of the ladies were her age so that was even better. I don't mean to keep her cooped up at home, but I think sometimes she feels like the walls are closing in. She's got a trip planned to Wichita to see a friend in a few weeks, so I think that will really help. Plus she can get her drivers license.
Derek got his psychology test back today. He's not too upset over it. He got an A. He's got another test or two out still that he is not so sure about. I hope he does well on them. He gets so frustrated when he has problems. I think he's too hard on himself, but there's not much I can do.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Catching Up

Another week begins. Whew, I will be so glad when we get through this round of swimming lessons and soccer. The girls will be in swimming lessons Nov - Dec, but no soccer, thankfully. That will be something of a relief for us.
It looks like both Alexis and Mercedes will be advancing to the next level in swimming lessons. I think Mercedes has one level left in the little kids program before she can move up to the mid-level classes. Alexis has started the top level of classes and only has two more level before she's done. I expect her to be finished sometime in the spring. Just in time to start softball. As for Mercedes, she won't be able to start mid-level lessons until she turns 5. That means she will be off from December to March. That will be a nice little break.
I took the little fish swimming yesterday. They both love the water.. I figure it's good exercise for me, even if all I do is walk around. Mason was not as happy about being in the water, though he became more comfortable as we went along. He even let me lay him back in the water so he could float on his back. I need to try to take them more often. We took Kody and Kye, two boys from down the street, so the girls would have other kids to play with. Alexis also had a friend from her school there.
'Cedes is not really into soccer though she says she wants to keep playing. I think she just likes hanging out with the other kids. She had her 4 year well-baby checkup on Friday and they confirmed what we already know, she's small for her age. She's in the 25th percentile for height, and the 50th percentile for weight. I am not really surprised. I was an exceptionally small child. I didn't really grown until junior high and high school.
Alexis seems to be doing well at school. In fact, from what she tells us and what we can see, she's excelling. She's averaging 90's or higher on all of her tests and completing all of her assignments ahead of time. She's not into guitar right now, which becomes something of a problem when it comes to getting her to practice. I expect her to get excited again at some point. Probably when she moves on to the next book.
Mason has put on some more weight. He's still very cute and chubby. He talks a lot too. You can tell when he's gearing up to throw a fit if he's not being held. He will start jabbering away and it will gradually get louder, then you get the crying. It's kind of cute. He's also gotten much stronger. He can push himself up on his arms and will get himself turned around. He can turn over form his tummy to back or back to tummy occasionally too. I think that's more of an oops than anything. He's reaching for things now and will hold onto his toys. He enjoys his baths and even showers when he's fussing and I am trying to get ready for work.
Derek has started taking tests for his classes. He seems to be feeling OK with things so far, though he's had a few ups and downs. He seems to have a good heading for his MIS paper, though I am not sure he has done any more work on it recently. I think he's got something due on it this week. The initial idea seemed to make the instructor happy, but Derek is not really wanting to do the research. I can't say as I blame him. I know I've had enough research to last me a lifetime. I am trying to find some articles to help Derek out. He's been putting the research off so far and I don't want him to wait too long. It could really be a problem if he waits until the last minute.
Mom is doing fairly well. She's looking at making banana bread in the next day or so. Yummy! Especially warmed up and smothered with butter. She's doing pretty good overall. She's been puttering around the house and has been doing a lot of the easier chores. I really appreciate the help, but I worry about her doing too much.
I am doing fine. I had my follow-up doctor's appt last week. I am probably going to have surgery, however I have to wait until I am through with having babies. I hope to have baby number 3 in 2007, so I would be able to have the surgery once the baby stops breastfeeding.
Work is going well and I have gotten my program off the ground. I have a short business trip coming up in October, but I should not be gone very long. I have a lot of oversight that I do, so that keeps me occupied. I try not to get too bogged down with the details. I also have several certifications that I have to complete so that I remain qualified for the job.
I was asked last week if I wanted to change deployment cycles from January 2006 to January 2007. Of course, I said yes. I would hate to leave the little guy before his first birthday. Then again, I would hate to leave any of the kids. What am I going to do when they grow up?
I start my last in-class class next week. I imagine I will have at least one paper to write, but I don't foresee any major difficulties. I just want to get it done and out of the way so that I can go forth and conquer. I'm still a little bummed that I am not going to get to complete my PHD, but in some ways, I think it is for the best. I would have to give up a lot of at-home time, which is already in short supply.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


I was walking out the door yesterday morning to go to work and I had to stop for a moment and admire the gorgeous sunrise. And I do mean gorgeous. It was pinkish-orange with clouds streaked across it and reflecting some of the light. The air was fresh and cool, not cold. It smelled so good. The air was moist and felt so clean and pure. You don't get many of those. They make you feel good and positive that the day will be good. I get so wrapped up in going to work, that I miss the pure, intense joy of sunrises that are happening at the same time.

Today is gonna be a fun day. Mercedes has a DRs appt at 2:00 this afternoon and Derek can't take her. So I will leave work around 1200 to come home, eat lunch, feed Mason, then leave NLT 1315 to go pick up Mercedes and go to the DRs appt. I think she needs the appt again. This was supposed to be a followup but she started the uncontrollable coughing again last night. Poor baby. She sounded miserable.

I figure since I am over there anways, I will try to hit legal and clothing sales. I don't think I will have time for my usual workout, though. I guess soccer practice (Mercedes) will have to count. I don't think Iwill ever volunteer to be an asst coach again. I am not very good at it.

Still no deplyment news. So much for the 120 days notice. I am not confident that this means I will not go though. Still waiting. And I am not patient. As the wishing well in Daffy Duck's Fantastic Island said: "Patience is seldom found in humans and never in a duck. No, I am not a duck!

Thursday, September 15, 2005


It's payday!!!! Unfortunately, most of my paycheck is already gone to bills. I had more spendable money as an airman than I do as a Captiain, sigh! I guess that happens when you support six people. I figure I will get to enjoy life more when I retire : )

Ahh, retirement, now there's a happy thought. Not just retiring from the military which is 10 years away, but complete retirement. Taking trips to sponge off of the kids, not setting an alarm every day, making sure I get plenty of fiber in my diet. All of the fun stuff.

Still no word on a deployment. The requirements and taskings are suppsoed to be loaded in the system soon, if they aren't already. We are suppsoed to be given 120 days notice of deployments so that means today for my cycle, however, I haven't heard or seen anything yet. I am giving it until October, mid-October at the latest. If I haven't heard anything by then, I will assume I am not going. I have no problem going, but not going is also nice.

I am going to try to save up money to pay off the jeep after the first of the year. The plan/thought is to pay off the jeep, save a little extra, then trade-in Derek's gasoline-sucking truck for a hybrid SUV that seats 7. The payments will be fairly high since Derek's truck has lost most of its value with the massive increase in gas prices, so the trade-in value is low. However, we can get tax breaks with the new vehicle, plus the saving in gas will be phenomonal. I can only imagine what else will be coming out in the next few years if they pass the law requiring higher MPG on all vehicles.

Thursday, September 08, 2005


Mason got his second round of vaccinations yesterday and last night was not a lot of fun. It was not as bad as the first set, though, so I can deal with that. Poor little pincushion, Derek said he didn't do too badly. Derek did say that Mason did better than he did. It's always hard to see the little ones hurt. At least Mason is healthy and, aside form a mild fever, had no side effects from the shots. He goes back in November for the next set. He also has his next well baby checkup then. At least we get some good news to offset the fussy baby.

Mason is getting to be quite strong now. He can lift himself up on his arms when he's laying on his belly. He also can roll over onto his side though he prefers the right side. He is reaching out and grabbing objects now too. He likes to make the birdie on his swing turn by pulling the grips. We have him eating small amounts of cereal now, just to get him used to it, and it doesn't seem to be bothering him. He's also doing ok with eating formula so if I deploy in January there should be no problems.

Mercedes starts soccer on Saturday. Oh yea, I get to get up early and go deal with 10 4 & 5 year olds. Yes, I volunteered. No I am not crazy. I thought it would be good to be involved for Mercedes sake, though I don't really think she cares as long as she can play. She starts swimming lessons on Monday which will be a blast too. I think I will take her and read while she's in her lessons. She's a Ray this time, so she's only got one level left after this before she gets into the "Big" kid lessons. Again, she doesn't care, she just loves to be in the water. I got her a new swimsuit that should last through the winter too, so she's happy about that. She's a little clotheshorse. I think she takes after her Daddy.

Mercedes found her Halloween costume last week. She's going to Be FairyTopia (from Barbie). She knew exactly what she wanted (again). I think she will look very cute, though I have to fix the wings. She's very excited about Halloween, though she still hasn't quite gotten the concept of it being a LONG ways away.
Alexis is back in school now and going full force. We have a meeting with the teacher tonight. It's a generic "Parents Meet the Teacher" meeting so we can find out what she's being taught and how. Next week is the PTO meeting which I am going to have to fit in as well. Plus there are signups for the parents to help do things. Wow! Being an involved parent is a lot of work. I'm sure it will be worth it though.

Alexis got tape on her belt last night at martial arts. That means she is performing well and learning quickly. I do not know when she will test for her next belt, but I think it's great that's she's doing as well as she is. I think it will payoff over time, though I am not sure she sees that sometimes.
Alexis braces have stopped hurting now. She's so happy she can eat bread again. I think the sub sandwiches are still off limits though. She's also starting swimming lessons next week. Hers are on Saturday mornings so she can do that while Mercedes is in soccer. Very convenient. The guitar lessons are also ongoing. She's making progress and seems happy with it, so we can't complain about that.

I am trying to get myself signed up for class so I can finish my information assurance certification, but I can't find an instructor to sign the form for me. They are all off work right now. I'll keep asking until I find someone who is there. Still no word on the deployment, but I expect the requirements will flow down in the next month if they are going to deploy me. Who knows, I might get lucky and NOT deploy. Wouldn't that be nice? Then I could get the laser eye surgery out of the way, too.

Mom is doing well. Her Bible study group is now back to weekly meetings and they are on a new book. Mom really enjoys going to the meetings and talking with the other ladies. Our friend, Laura, watches Mason while she is gone since Derek is in class at that time. I know Mason doesn't mind. Laura is one of his many girlfriends and he always falls asleep on her. (BRAT)

Derek started back to school this week and it looks like it will be an interesting round of classes. There are a lot of papers he has to write as well as homework and tests. One of the teachers has only given one A out of 4 or 5 classes he's taught. That ought to be interesting. And NO I am not writing that paper. I don't even want to think about that. The guy is really tough. I know Derek can do it though. He's smarter than I am about stuff, he just has to do it. He gets irritated with himself when he doesn't get A's, but you know, B's are nothing to laugh at, especially with this school. WSU, from what I have heard, is a good school, maybe not world famous or internationally known and respected, but it's no slump either.

We are planning to go to the Dayton Art Institute's Egyptian exhibit next week. Alexis, Mom, Derek, and I all find that kind of stuff interesting. Plus, it gets us out of the house, not that we spend a whole lot of time there these days with all of the stuff going on. I think we will try to limit what we get the kids involved in a bit more from here on out. Though they both want to play ball (softball and t-ball) in the spring. Perhaps no swimming lessons during that time. If I'm not here, I guess it wouldn't matter, would it?

If I do deploy, Derek says he's going to try to take easier (are there any?) classes so he doesn't get so overwhelmed. I don't think the upper level classes are harder so much as more focused. Anyways, he'll have to play that one by ear, I guess.
We almost got a ferret yesterday. One of 'Lexi's teachers had a ferret she wanted to give away. I love ferrets but I was not going to make that decision. I had her ask Grandma, who is not a big pet fan, and Unlce Derek. The decision came back as a no, which is probably for the best. Our house is already cramped with having the number of people we have. We will definitely live off base at our next assignment, possibly even buy so we have 4 to 5 bedrooms. I suppose I need to start saving up now so I can make some kind of down payment. Sigh, the trials of being an adult. Life was so much easier as a kid. Of course, everything seemed bigger when I was a kid....hmmm!

Sunday, September 04, 2005


Another thing I have always wanted to do marked off the list. Now I just need to go parasailing, snow skiing, and bungee jumping. I don't think that's too much to dream of. And it's all entirely doable. I will say that the worst thing about Cirque du Soleil (aside from the seats not being high enough to see over the tall man sitting in front of me) was that it ended. Mason and Mercedes were both entranced. I don't know that Alexis was so interested. She's going through a low period, so she doesn't seem very interested in anything.

I was in Arizona for a few days this last week. Wow! What a beautiful state. I got caught in one of the monsoon storms, which was also cool. Everything there was intense. The sunset was fantastic, the weather was gorgeous, and the landscape was breathtaking. I could live there I think. There was no humidity so00 it was much nicer, as far as I am concerned.

I missed Mason's well-baby checkup. I was sorry about that. And the trip was long. The plane transfers were rough. It was also 3 hours different which was a bit rough. The meetings were productive and will be important to the work I am doing.

Speaking of work, there is much to do and I am going to be caught in the middle of it. I will also be finding out in the next month or so about whether or not I am going to deploy. I am treating it as a given, however, there could possible be a chance that I won't go. Deploying makes it more likely to make major and possibly go farther, however, I have to leave Derek and the kids on their own. That's a bit scary.

We are having a neighborhood bar b que tomorrow. That should be alright. We have some new neighbors we have not met yet. It will be nice to sit and gossip with everyone too. Yes, I freely admit we sit and gossip. The intention is never malicious though. We chat about kids and life. Everyone is gone now from when we first moved here (and we miss those who have left), so we must build new friendships.

We went to a store yesterday and looked at ferrets. As much as we would like one, there is no way. We don't have the room, plus, I don't have the time. They are cute, but upon reflection I really can't have one. It's like the mpuppies and kitties, I would LOVE to have them, but the house is already too small and my time is limited. Everyone is already complaining they want more time with me and I don't have it. I am already stretched and not getting things done around the house. It really has my stressed out. I suppose I worry too much or take too much on myself, but that's how I feel. I can't do or say anything right. Most of the time I just feel overwhlemed trying to deal with everyone and everything. Nothing I do makes things better it seems. And I suppose I am just whining. Maybe it's the lack of sleep.

Speaking of sleep, I think I will go now to bed.