Sunday, January 07, 2007


It's already een a busy weekend and we are only halfway through Sunday ; ) Lundry is strewn in piles downstairs, and I am sitting here wasting time and enjoying some quiet while Daddy deals witht he kids. Mean, aren't I?
I am pretty pleased overall with this weekend though since we saw Indianapolis win in the first round of playoffs yesterday (Go Manning!). Sadly, Derek's team (Dallas) showed up for parts of their game, but in the end their heads weren't in it enough for them to win, even though they should have!
I started my second Master's degree this last week, and so far, I am not stressed over the amount of work that is going to be required. However, it's early in the course, so things could become more difficult. If they don't though, and the rest of the courses are like this one, I should be done by XMAS. I am also thinking that an MBA might not be a bad thing to look into. I am also considering a MAster's in Foresnisc Psychology, just for me, not becuase it's useful or anything. I figure at some point I should go to school for something that is ourely interesting to me.
Derek also started school this week and so far the stress hasn't set it. It will though, give him another two or three weeks. Still he's only got six classes left to take after this term, so if he can just hold on and finish up, it will all be over.
I dropped my application package in the mail to become an AF Academy instructor. I have NO idea if I will be selected, but I had to try. I'm hoping, if I get picked up, that we will go next year (2008), otherwise, I think we are stuck here until 2009. That is good and bad, but we will make the best of it either way.
My Major's board is later this year as well. I should know by next XMAS if I made it or not, so pray for me will ya. I really want (need) to make it. If I do make Major, I should get to pin on in OCtober (or thereabouts) of 2008. I've got my fingers crossed (as well as all of the t's).
Other than that, we don't have much going on. Still pregnant, getting roly poly. Still working full-time. Kids are fine (aside from ear infections). Just tired (a lot).

1 comment:

Thumper said...

I can't imagine being stuck in OH all this time, with 2 more years to go. Two years was about all I could take as it is...