Sunday, September 10, 2006

This week in the news

This week was pretty quiet for us overall. A couple of Doctor's appts, but nothing to worry about. I am taking Mason tomorrow to get his ears done (tubes) and Mercedes for a follow up on her ears. I am hoping all goes well. Derek also has his first physical therapy appt tomorrow. I REALLY hope that goes well. He's been having a lot of pain and right now we are afriad it might be infected. Hope not though.

I am going to DC in a few weeks for a conference so I am looking forward to that. No telling how the trip will be though. DC is always a toss up for me. I am hoping it's good though. If nothing else it mixes things up a bit.

Well, Alexis is up, though not compeltely awake. She had a friend spend the night and they stayed up late. Derek made her get up early, probably to be onery. I guess it's a Dad thing, since Dad just to do that to me.

That's about it for us. We lead a pretty quiet life these days : )

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