Sunday, September 03, 2006

Here we go again

Well, it looks like this next week woll be full as well. Mason has two Drs appts, Derek has Drs appts, I have Drs appts. Maybe we should just hire our own private dr : )

As soon as the bruises heal up, Derek should be better. For now though, they are very painful, so he's trying to stay off of his leg. He's more mobile, but nowhere near 100%. He thinks he will be ok to start school on Tuesday, but that will probably be the extent of what he can do for a week or so.

Overall though, I think things are going to calm down. At this point they have too. Not much else can go wrong for us.

On Friday morning, we woke up to about 1/2 inch of water flooding our bedroom, and the kitchen light and vents pouring water. It seems the master bathroom decided to flood. Not fun, at all. THe maintenace guys came right out and did what they could, but they are going to have to come back to fix the kitchen light, and the bathroom and bedroom floors. Plus, we are throwing a lot of things out, and trying to get the smell out. I have an extra 5 loads of laundry too, since a lot of things got wet, upstairs and down.

Work is quiet right now. We are changing duties around now. We have some new people and it makes sense. The boss also wants us to taje on more internal work instead of farming our money out to other people. The return on invenstment isn't there I guess.

Gotta go, Derek needs me.

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