Friday, November 16, 2007


Well, life for us is even more chaotic than usual. Having a 16 year old will do that to you. She made the varsity basketball team so now we have been shuttling her back and forth from practice and games.

Alexis is not doing so well, but I am hoping that will change. She is in concert band and we are reccommending that she start in with the softball team. Try outs are not until after XMAS but they are having some training camps and I thought she would benefit from those.

I start work tomorrow and NO, I am not ready! I am scared to death. Oh and I am now within a month of finding out if I made major and what will I do if I didn't?

We went to church this morning. That was a trip. It was an Assembly of God church and there was a lot of action. We are going to go back though we are not all completely sold on it. We are a lot quieter, so it will take some getting used too, but I think we liked it overall.

Micah is now eating solid food and overall he seems to be doing well. He's a talker too. Quite a character.

Derek doesn't think he got the job he applied for the other day and he's completely depressed about it and its REALLY bringing me down.

We got new furniture (more bills). Hope we like it because we will be spending a lot of time at home for a while : )

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