Sunday, October 14, 2007

I am not crazy

I am starting my XMAs cards. Those who know me know I start them early to get them out on time. I am cheating a little this year though, I used the computer for all of the address. NICE! Should save some time!

Derek and Alexis made it back safe and sound. Yea! We now have an address in Flroida. The house looks nice too. Here is a site that shows some pictures and details ( We are happy with it, though it's a bit farther than I really would have liked, but I will survive. The schools look like they will be good, and the home itself is nice, or so I am told.

Now we just have to get ready to move, oh yea!?

I just finished two papers due this week for school. I didn't get them done earlier and I should have. I am going to spend time tomorrow and Tuesday getting several more done so I am ahead of the power curve when we move. Sigh, that month off threw me off, big time!

1 comment:

Thumper said...

The house looks nice! I'd hate to think how much that would go for out here...