Monday, October 29, 2007

I got my wish

After 16 years of trying to steal her, she was given to us last Thursday. We are now the proud owners of one 16 year old, with all of the joys and issues associated. It might only be until June, or it might be longer. We don't know, but we are happy with the situation. Though it increases the stress and chaos factors exponetially.

Free Rice

Yes, Thumper, it was fun to feel like an idiot. Some of those words were unbelievable, and I know I am well read. is definitely worth a stop.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Impending doom...move

I admit it! I am being lazy! I don't want to write another paper and Idon't want to read 300 pages of text and I don't want to writediscussion questions. But I DO want to finish this degree, so I will doall of these things. However, I reserve the right to whine and complainthe whole way through. OK, Derek thinks I am crazy, but I am very insecure. Anyone who knowsme well knows this. I am up for Major this year. I did get aDefinitely Promote on my promotion recommendation form. I have neverdeployed (this is a negative in officer terms). The board was inSeptember so I can't change anything now, but I won't hear anythinguntil December. I know that over 90% of the people who were eligiblefor promotion made it last year and that over 98% of those with adefinitely promote made it, but what if I am in the 2-10% that don't?That is pretty scary. Even scarier, what if I do make it? I don't seemyself as a Field Grade Officer. Then again, I've never really wrapped my brain around being an officer : } And yes, I am whining and every single one of my insecurities are showing.

Ok, another whine - I HATE MOVING! I know I have mentioned this in the past (like last August). It is painful in SOOOO many ways. And moving with 4 kids, two of whom are under 5 is even worse. I know, its part ofthe job, but I still don't like, no not one bit! The only good partabout it is that I don't have to pack everything up OR lift the heavystuff. Woo Hoo! I am all about professional movers!

So, I am going to a conference for three days this week down town. It actually ought to be kind of fun! Some major movers and shakers in theAir Force are going to be speaking and I kind of want to hear what theyhave to say. I am also looking forward to the TOYS! Because you knowthe vendors always have great TOYS!

Is it possible to have too many books? I have been unloading the booksfrom my office in preparation for move and I have a lot of"professional" books, plus I have oodles and gobs of personal books,some of which I haven't read yet, though I mean too. And what's up withmy four or five favorite authors not keeping up with my readingappetite? I need more books! My mind is hungry for more dirty sexscenes and vampires drinking blood muhahaha (evil laugh). Seriously though, now Harry Potter is Done, Mercedes Lackey is not longer writingabout Valdemar, and I am completely caught up (ok, read them three orfour times) all of the series from Ward, Feehan, and Hamilton that Ienjoy. Granted, there is a new Merry Gentry book due out tomorrow which I will be going to get TOMORROW, but that will be finished by Friday at the latest, then what? I am even eyeballing the books for class with hunger (they are about Extremism though so they are kind of interesting, but don't tell anyone I said that). And, on top of all of that, I am addicted to Sudoku. Oh yea, I am, very much so.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

I am not crazy

I am starting my XMAs cards. Those who know me know I start them early to get them out on time. I am cheating a little this year though, I used the computer for all of the address. NICE! Should save some time!

Derek and Alexis made it back safe and sound. Yea! We now have an address in Flroida. The house looks nice too. Here is a site that shows some pictures and details ( We are happy with it, though it's a bit farther than I really would have liked, but I will survive. The schools look like they will be good, and the home itself is nice, or so I am told.

Now we just have to get ready to move, oh yea!?

I just finished two papers due this week for school. I didn't get them done earlier and I should have. I am going to spend time tomorrow and Tuesday getting several more done so I am ahead of the power curve when we move. Sigh, that month off threw me off, big time!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Home Alone

Derek and Alexis are in Florida for the next few days house hunting and visiting the orthodontist. The house we really liked and wanted was leased last night, so now we have to find something else. Sigh! A lot of places have pools in the backyard. You know, I never thought I (we) would be the type of people to have a pool. Odd!

Can't beleive we are within 3 weeks of leavinhg. It's still not quite real. I am looking forward to it (overall), but I still have some concerns. I can't do anything about them right now though, so I am trying to keep everyone happy and calm. Derek is having issues with the calm part.

He's focused on househunting right now, but once that is over, he's going to start seriously job hunting. That's not exactly a fun thing, but it's gotta be done. I just want him to find something he can be happy with, you know?

And I am mostly done with XMAS shopping now. I have four boxes in the entryway ready to be mailed (next week). That just leaves Derek, Micah, the last of Cedes and the last of Mason's. I also have Derek's birthday covered. Yea! Go Lisa!