Sunday, May 14, 2006

What we are doing

Mason is being mean to Derek again. I think he does it on purpose. They are buddies though.

I survived the first week back, but I think I am having some manic issues (manic-depressive). I think it's just hard for me to deal with people right now. Or maybe that I don't want to.

I go back to the doctor this week. I was supposed to go back next week, but had to re-schedule due to a class. I doubt there will be any new knews, but I have to go. I just want the referral to the specialist, though I am not sure how much help he really was.

Derek survived his mid-terms, he even got some good grades, but he was pretty stressed. To recover, I got someone to watch the kids for a night and took him to a local hotel - just the two of us. Yes, it was nice, but pricey. We are going to go again in August, so maybe it will become a standard end-of-term thing. THe August trip is actually going to be nicer. The hotel is better and all, plus it's in Cincinnati so it's actually out-of-town.

There are a million other things going on, but I don't have time to talk about them all here. Maybe later.

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