Sunday, March 25, 2007

The week's happenings

As usual busy. Derek had the week off from school and didn't get accomplsihed half of what he wanted too. Isn't that how it usually works? He did get all of his grades back. He got two A's and a B and he still wishes he had done better. Jeesh - I am just glad he's passing right now : )

I turned in my research paper for class number 2. I hope the instructor gives me a decent grade. He's a hard grader so I am expecting a B in the class. I have to take the final this week, so it's almost over. I have to write a paper for my third class before the end of April, but I am not real worried about that. It's not quite as tough as the other class, so I expect to finish with no major problems.

I am now 8 1/2 months pregnant. Yea! I am feeling the extra weight more and more these days, and Micah can be pretty rough. He kicks my ribs and bladder at the most inconvenient times. I have now put the instructions for what to do with me on my white board at work too. One of my co-workers is terrified that I will go into labor at work and she will have to deal with it. I've been considering a practical joke to mess with her, but she might kill me.

I have been really busy at work. I am managing a project for our research that runs out soon, so I have been getting the background necessary to continue it. I also have to write a business proposal for it, so there is a lot of details. I am also working on a research project which requires putting a proposal into the human subjects board. This is the first time for me, for anyone in my division actually. It's a "Flagship" project so it's not something I can get behind on. And then there are two new people I am "sponsoring" in to my division. On top of the day-to-day things, and school, I am pretty busy.

On top of all of that, I am up for promotion this year. I have gotten most of the paperwork together and written the outline for the promotion recommendation, but I still need to do the references. That's a couple of hours worth of work. Yes, for those of you in the military, that's my bosses responsibility, but no one else is going to watch out for my career as closely as I will. That's just a fact of life in any organization.

Derek broke a(nother) toe a few weeks ago and it's still not healed so he's going to have to go to the doctor. He's also going to stop taking the prednisone and try to get the doctor to refer him to another specialist. We've tried that before, but it didn't work so well. We'll see what happens though.

I have been missing Mom a lot lately. I guess it's one of those things that will happen through the years. I just wish she were here to share things with, especially with Mason developing so quickly and Micah on his way. I know she would love being a part of it all. It's hard for both Derek and I when we do something that Mom was always a part of. Maybe that's why we don't go to church as much, or spend as much time doing things we did with Mom.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Done Travelling. . .for Now

I went to Montery, CA for an Academic Conference this week. Yes, it was work related! Jeez, I am not a complete scammer. And do you really think, at 8 months pregnant, that I would choose to spend 9-12 hours travelling?

The trip itself was good. However, the plane travel was painful. My flight out left almost an hour late. They said that shouldn't be a problem as most of the flights we were connecting too should also be late. It didn't work that way. Imagine a woman, 8 months pregnant, trying to get across Chicago O'Hare in 10 minutes to connect. Thankfully, the connecting flight opened the doors back up for us to get us. There were 3 of us connecting. From there it was not too bad, but that part was a real bummer. Coming back, I tried to get out early, but that didn't work, and I ended up getting home almost 45 minutes late due to my flight out of Chicago being delayed. So, air travel was not great, though I did have Cinnabon for breakfast yesterday. (I travelled through the night to get home, so I arrived here around 8:45 yesterday morning).

The conference was truly international. I met people fromthe UK, Greece, Australia, Finlans, and South Africa. I think there was another nationality or two through ni though I am not sure. It was a small group, so we had a chance to really chat. I was eating lunch with a variety of interesting people every day and having Academic (try not to laugh) discussions. It was GREAT! I think I learned something, and definitely enjoyed the experience.

Derek, on the other hand, was completely frazzled by the time I got back. The kids had stressed him out, school had stressed him out, and he had sressed himself out. I'm almost surprised they didn't all run out and attack me with "Mommy's home, THANK GOD!".

Derek is in the midst of finals, so he's not happy. He's trying to work through studying for finals and two big projects. I'm glad he's almost through this as it really sresses him out. Especially when he has to work on teams and one of the teammates is Type A anal.

I am plodding my way through my classes. I started class 3 last week, and it's not too bad. I got all of the points for the first post, so I am pretty happy. The other class is a pain, as the instructor is anal, but I will get a B and go on. I have to finish a paper inthe next few weeks, so that's the big issue for that.

The girls are now registered for softball and will be starting in a few weeks. I hope it works out for everyone, though I imagine it will be tiring for us. I still thinks it's important for us to get the little people involved in outside activities, so we will suck it up.

We have family pictures next week, hopefully that will go well. We have everyone's easter outfits, so they will look adorable. They got haircuts on Friday so they will be cleancut and "pretty".

I am coming up on 33 weeks of being pregnant and am getting tired and ready to have this one. He's got a knack for beating up my insides, more so that Mason or Mercedes. I'm glad this is the last one, as I am getting to old and tired to go through this again.

I am looking into some post pregnancy get-in-shape options. The base has a glutes and abs class 3 days a week, and two days a weeks there is an American Kempo class on base. I wouldn't have to pay for the class, so they meet my budget constraints : ) It's really going to be a matter of getting my lazy butt there. I hate the gym. I know I HAVE to do it though. On days I am not taking classes I have to get back into running shape and build up my upper body muscles. Yea, no big deal, right?

I need to go do laundry and clip coupons, but I wanted to share the fun I had at the conference and how grateful I am to be home again.

Sunday, March 04, 2007


Week 32 starts Tuesday. Woo hoo! Micah is doing well, continueing to grow and be active, so everything SEEMS to be going well. Last weeks ultrasound looked good, and he is definitely still a boy!

I am off to Montery, CA for a conference this next week. This is my last trip until after Micah is born. I'm glad as it's getting uncomfortable to travel these days.

Work has been busy so I have plenty to do to keep me occupied at work. I also have two classes, so that keeps me busy too. I got an A from my first class, but the second class is looking like a B. I start the third class this week, so we'll see. I start one class once a month, and finish one class once a month, so it's an interesting schedule for me.

Derek will be taking finals in his three classes in the next few weeks, then he will have "Spring Break". He's just ready to be done. Only a few more months. August is his expected graduation date, so he just has to keep it up until then. After that it's job hunting.

He's back into martial arts now, though he broke a toe last week. Sigh - he's just fragile. He says he can tell how out of shape he has gotten, so he is looking forward to getting back into shape, though it will take a while.

I have found several fitness classes I want to take after Micah is born. One is for glutes and abs. It will be two or three days a week, and, of course, focus on glutes and abs, a mother's worst two areas : ) The other class is American Kempo. Derek wants me to go to the same place he and the girls go, but the Kempo class is on base, so no cost. I will have to work out on my own as well to get ready for the run, but I think I can do it if I force myself.

We got Micah's co-sleeper last week. Hopefully it will work alright. We have a few other things left to get. I need to get some more baby towels, but other than that I think we've got most everythng we need. Sigh - I wouldn't mind going shopping for baby clothes, but witht he storage constraints we have, I can't justify it : ( I will probably get a couple of things though.

It doesn't look like I will be deploying this fall after all. I have six month post-delivery before I can deploy, which puts us into November. Most of the positions need to be filled in Septmeber/October. I will try to go later, maybe after Micah is a year or two old.

I have not heard anything about possibly going to the AF Academy for my next assignment. I am hoping to find out in May or June, though. Unfortunately, the process is not transparent, so I have to call to find out anything.

Alexis has grown again, so we need to go get her some new shirts. She's starting to slim down and get her young woman's body. Sigh! Boys are noticing her, just what we don't need.

Mercedes is doing well. She's reading and doing well in school. Shenhas grown, though right now she's plateaued which is good for us. We had to get all of her softball gear, so we don't need to replace it right away.

Mason is growing a little, though not putting on weight. He's small like Derek and I were growing up, but I am not stressing about it. He's maturing and developing so I don't think there's anything wrong.

We are still hoping to go on our trip to Disney in November and we are making plans accordingly. The kids and I are excited. We've never taken a family vacation before. We always go to visit someone for a reason rather than to just go enjoy ourselves. Not that visiting family isn't nice, but this will be different.