Sunday, December 10, 2006

News of the Week

Derek is out of school right now. He got XMAS lights hung up outside, and is going to start wrapping presents this week. He's got some other things to take care of too, but nothing pressing.

I was in San Antonio this week for some meetings. I really miss San Antonio! It felt like I was home. What a great city.

Overal, we are all doing well. No one has been extremely sick for a while (knock on wood), and the baby and I are doing well.

In fact, the baby is pretty active several times a day. I thought I started feeling kicks around week 14 or so, but now that we are at week 19, I know I am being kicked. That's good though, since it means the baby is maturing in there. We will find out the gender in a few weeks, so that will also be cool. We have a few names we have been kickng around but nothing confirmed.

We are all done with Christmas shopping! Yea! I hate waiting until the last minute. This means I can start worrying about next years presents : )

1 comment:

Thumper said... can anyone miss San Antonio? My family lives there, but I could never live there again. Too hot, too humid...although they do have Taco Cabana...